ChibiOS/RT is an RTOS(Real Time Operating System) used for development on embedded platforms. Its licence allows free as well as commercial use. It is very well documented, with lots of examples. Some features of ChibiOS: Efficient and portable preemptive kernel. Many supported. Serial over USB, a CDC device is implemented on top of the USB driver. Abstraction over devices that handle data in blocks (MMC and SD cards for example).

Active3 years ago

Simply my project is to connect a Huawi USB modem to my STM32F407 Discovery board, and start using AT commands to send text SMS.

so here is what I've and what I want :)

  • I've OTG USB capability on my board.
  • I've the USB Host Controller Driver and Embedded USB Host Stack.

What I want or to know more about is:

  • USB CDC-ACM Class Driver

Chibios Usb Cdc Example

Here is a simple diagram to give more overview:

I found many commercial drivers, whither by Micrium or by Micro Digital, but I'm sure there must be a free something of everything anywhere :)

I appreciate your help in advance :)

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1 Answer


ST recommend to use STM32CubeMX software to start a project.

In This software you can configure your MCU and select which library you want.Maybe 'Communication Host Class(Virtual Port Com)' will suit your needs but if it don't, you can still modify it.

PS: The USB host Stack is already made.


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