Active5 years, 7 months ago

Browser service is installed with SQL Express database engine so if you are looking to connect to database engine not Local DB you need to to install Express DB engine. Share improve this answer edited Jul 27 '14 at 20:12. The recommended provider ('Oracle.DataAccess.Client') is not installed. You can continue with your current provider, however it has been deprecated and may not work correctly. Confused from these messages. Uninstalled Office 2007, both 2007 and 2010 database engines and then reinstalled each one, one at a time, verifying failure between each installation. Uninstalled Office 2007, database engine 2007 and 2010, and then installed the 64 bit 2010 access database engine.

I have written a database application, developed it inside Windows 7, using Delphi XE2, using a firebird database. All worked well, when I start the server and the client either on one pc or the over a LAN all is well. So today I moved the server and client over to Windows Server 2008 R2, and this is where the problems started.

Firstly, I installed Firebird 2.5, and I start my server, it starts up. Then I try to start the client on the same pc as the server, and this is when I get the error :

Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed

I do not know where to start to solve this. It is the first time I use the Windows Server OS, so I do not know if it is OS related, as all worked fine when I run it on Windows 7.

EDIT: I'm using an TSQLConnection for the firebird, it's driver is set to datasnap, Port 211, hostname localhost. On reading up I see that there is some issues with the microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 provider, I'm using an small database with the client that is an MS Access Database, and it is in the 2007-2013 format, could it be that this is the issue? For the MSAccess database, I use the TADOConnection and TADOTable components.

Database Browser Required Provider Is Not Installed

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2 Answers

You are missing the datasnap libraries. The following link may help you:

Take a look at the 'dbExpress deployment with driver DLLs' section.

Database Browser Required Provider Is Not Installed

Hope it helps.

Vinícius Gobbo A. de OliveiraVinícius Gobbo A. de Oliveira

Ok, I managed to solve the problem. It was never the firebird, or any dll's that was the cause of the error. It seems that the Microsoft Server 2008 R2 does not like the connection string of the TADOConnection, as I was using a MSAcess database 2007 version, and the provider was Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider. When I changed the database to 2003 MSAccess database and changed the provider to Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider the problem was gone and my application is running smoothly. I just wonder now, why the newer format and newer provider did not work in the Microsoft Server 2008 R2.

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Active1 year, 4 months ago

This has been going on. At first MS said they will not support TLS1.2 for OLEDB then they said, they will. You can read about it here, where they said, the support comes in March 2018

Now it looks like package has arrived. I installed it. Then I ran soft without change to connection string using old style Provider=sqloledb. That was expected to fail and it did. I changed to new style Provider=MSOLEDBSQL (see first link). And now I get

'The 'MSOLEDBSQL' provider is not registered on the local machine.'


Ok. I didn't install provider after all. But I can't find it either. I thought, may be this is part of Native Client update. But that came out Jan 2018. I installed it, it didn't break anything, it didn't fix anything. Then I came across this provider that was just released. Installed it. This seem to be new ODBC version.

Bottom line, where do I get MSOLEDBSQL? Thank you


1 Answer

The new OLE DB driver, MSOLEDBSQL, was released today. This new driver includes the support for the latest TLS 1.2 standards and is backwards compatible with SQL Server Native Client 11 (SQLNCLI11). See the Microsoft SQLNCLi team blog announcement.

Dan GuzmanDan Guzman
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