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  2. Windows 7 Keygen Download
Active2 years, 8 months ago

Windows 7 and Vista store your product ID inside the Control Panel, under the system information screen. You can access this page in one of two ways: either hold down the Windows logo key and press the Break/Pause key on your keyboard; alternatively, you can click on the start button, type ' system ' inside the search field, and click on the ' System ' link. Windows 7 Pro / Enterprise Online Activation MAK Key. After follow the instruction and type your Installation ID after each command by the robot speaker/.

I re-installed my Windows 7 installation and I am being asked for the Product Key. But alas, stupid me, I had jotted down the Product ID and not the actual Product Key. Unfortunately, I lost the Windows case where the key is at, so I am wondering if there is a way to retrieve the product key just by using the Product ID?

Bez HermosoBez Hermoso

4 Answers

The product key is stored in the registry, and you can retrieve it from there with tools like KeyFinder. Beware that if you bought the system pre-installed, the distributor most likely used their product key for the initial setup, which won't work with your installation media.

Ansgar WiechersAnsgar Wiechers
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The product ID is completely different from the actual product key, and the latter cannot be derived from the former. The product ID is generated during installation and contains information like the exact Windows version, channel the licence came from (retail, OEM, MSDN etc.), as well as the locale; it is used when getting technical support from Microsoft, it does not prove ownership of a Windows licence.

If you backed up your previous Windows installation, then you should be able to use a utility like Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder to load the correct registry hive and read the product key. If not, then I'm afraid your only option is to buy a new copy of Windows, since you've lost or erased all traces of your previous licence.

21k11 gold badges75 silver badges84 bronze badges

Your OEM will have affixed the COA with the needed key to the computer. As others have noted, your only real choice is to purchse a new copy of Windows 7 and likely re-install as the key for a retail copy will not work with the OEM install.

Dave MDave M
12.8k9 gold badges28 silver badges38 bronze badges

Win 7 stores the key in the registry ('HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentrentVersionDigitalProductId'), but it's binary so that your average 'human' doesn't interfere with MS's quest for more money. You can get it out with a little VB Script though.

Save the code below as eg 'getkey.vbs', run it (double-click) and a little pop-up msg tells you your key. Use CTRL+C and CTRL+V to paste it into notepad.

I don't know about win8 or win10, but theoretically all you need to do is change the 'registryLocation' value in the code (if at all).

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