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Edac Study Guides Pdf

EDAC Exam Certification Checklist
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NOTE: If you are taking the EDAC exam at a conference, you must schedule the exam 30 days prior to the test date to be on the roster. Scheduling after the deadline will result in an additional “walk-in fee” of $50. Please contact [email protected] to guarantee seating for the exam.
□ 6.) Receive email Confirmation Notice •
This email will have instructions with exact location of the test site and what you need to bring
□ 7.) Review the Exam Content Outline □ 8.) Study, study, study! □ 9.) Take the Sample Exam □ 10.) Take the EDAC exam □ Bring government-issued photo ID □ Bring your Confirmation Notice □ Arrive at least 15 minutes early •
If you have technical problems with your computer or feel any discomfort with the environment, please notify the proctor immediately so that any issues can be promptly resolved.
□ 11.) Receive exam results • • •
Computer-based testing: you will receive results upon completion of the exam Paper-based testing (conference locations): you will receive results within 6-8 weeks after your exam date Your test results will be emailed to you with a link to the EDAC Welcome Packet if you passed, or instructions if you need to retest (see Retest Checklist below)
□ 12.) Read your Welcome Packet •
This will contain important information on requirements to maintain your credential
□ 13.) Receive an EDAC certificate via mail 4-6 weeks after passing the exam □ 14.) Be listed in the EDAC directory □ 15.) Receive EDAC LinkedIn Group notification □ 16.) Receive The Center for Health Design emails □ 17.) Download the EDAC Renewal Checklist Retest Checklist
□ Receive email notice of results from Castle □ Receive new Notice to Schedule • •
A 60-day waiting period is required before receiving your new NTS Pay your retake fee (a reduced rate of $255) o If you took your exam during a “risk-free offer” please contact [email protected] for the code to bypass the retake fee
□ Schedule your second exam □ Receive email Confirmation Notice □ Review the Exam Content Outline □ Study, study, study! □ Take the Sample Exam □ Take the EDAC exam □ Bring government-issued photo ID □ Bring your Confirmation Notice □ Arrive at least 15 minutes early •
If you have technical problems with your computer or feel any discomfort with the environment, please notify the proctor immediately so that any issues can be promptly resolved.
□ Follow steps 11-17 above
  • Edac study guides volume 1 ebooks in PDF, MOBI, EPUB, with ISBN ISBN785458 and file size is about 59 MB - Link: an introduction to evidence based design exploring healthcare and design edac study guides volume 1 More related with an introduction to.
  • Find, Learn, Meet 2017 RESOURCE GUIDE Moving Healthcare Forward The largest collection of healthcare design research, best practices, resources and tools. EDAC STUDY GUIDES (available individually or as a set) Volume 1: An Introduction to. The EDAC sample exam provides sample questions from the five key areas to help.

Edac Study Guides Pdf Free

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Edac Study Guides Pdf

Sample Exam Questions Practice questions to prepare for the EDAC examination.
1. A research team measured ambient noise levels in patient rooms. They also observed patient stress levels and the duration of visits by family and friends. The team found that high ambient noise was associated with high patient stress and short family visits. This is an example of which type of study? a. b. c. d.
a. b. c. d.
A revenue center. A strategic investment. A capital expense. A healing environment.
3. In addition to research design, what factor MOST impacts the choice of data analysis tools? a. b. c. d.
about whether to include one or more vendors. What is the MOST appropriate recommendation? a.
Do not include vendors because it is difficult for them to maintain objectivity in selection of appropriate products to meet project goals. b. Include vendors because they will offer substantial discounts on their products. c. Do not include vendors because they present their own research data and influence the selection of products. d. Include vendors because they provide insight and perspective regarding selection of appropriate products to meet project goals.
Correlational Retrospective Experimental Ethnographic
2. Historically, most health care organizations have thought of the physical building as a sunk cost. In evidence-based design, and as part of developing the business case, what is the physical building viewed as?
6. A project team is interested in reducing patient falls and increasing staff satisfaction in an existing inpatient unit. There are a variety of design changes that could be made to achieve these goals. These include the installation of a non-slip type of flooring, a decentralized nurse station layout, and handrails in the patient room. Given the limited budget, what should the project team do FIRST to determine where to invest its limited resources?
Research methodology. Amount of funds available. Preferences of the researcher. Ability to do a pilot study.
Select the design feature that is most in line with the evidence-based design goals. b. Review data to determine the cost of patient falls and complete a business case. c. Conduct a critical review of the existing research for each option. d. Mock-up a patient room that includes the proposed design features.
4. What is the MOST important activity that the project team does during the construction phase to prepare a project for post-occupancy research? a.
Verify that the building and systems comply with the intent of the research plan, design strategies, and business case. b. Verify that the installation and implementation of systems were completed as specified by the manufacturer. c. Develop and use a commissioning plan to evaluate requirements in construction documents. d. Develop a training and operational plan for the staff about the new processes and equipment to support achieving the planned outcomes.
7. There is an opportunity for transformational change during a new design and construction project. Who or what group is in the best position to drive the culture change necessary to establish the vision for the new facility? a. b. c. d.
Physicians and nurses. Board of Directors. Chief Executive Officer. Chief Operating Officer.
5. The hospital project manager is making recommendations for participants to join the interdisciplinary project team. There is disagreement
8. During a key stakeholder meeting, an experienced nurse shared an article from a peer-reviewed journal that indicated that the efficiency of care provided by the nursing staff is influenced by the layout of patient rooms. The nurse argued that the bulk of their evidence-based design budget be spent on the layout of the patient rooms. What should the team do FIRST? a.
Allocate the bulk of the budget to patient room redesign based on this evidence. b. Conduct an additional literature search to validate the research report’s findings. c. Benchmark hospitals that have demonstrated an increase in staff efficiency based upon the layout of patient rooms. d. Complete a business case in order to determine the operational savings from this change in layout. 9. A researcher on the project team wants to make sure that a new observation tool they developed has a high degree of reliability. How should the researcher ensure the observation tool is reliable? Submit the tool to the Institutional Review Board (IRB). b. Test the tool in a variety of settings both within and outside the hospital. c. Ask a team of expert researchers to validate that the tool is measuring what it’s supposed to measure. d. Have several researchers use the tool within a specified time frame and place, with the same subjects and see if similar results are achieved.
planning, and design process and implementation in an evidence-based design process? a. b. c. d.
Innovative Care. Environment of Care. Lean Healthcare. Patient-Centered Care.
12. An architectural firm is interested in conducting their own post-occupancy evaluation (POE) for a recently completed project. To increase the credibility of the findings, what should the firm do FIRST? a. b. c. d.
Determine which hypothesis to measure. Conduct a pilot study to test the research tools. Ensure there is adequate time and funding. Hire a third-party researcher to avoid bias.
13. When designing a hospital using an evidence-based approach, it is MOST important to remember which of the following? a. b. c. d.
To evaluate and collect baseline data. To include users in identifying design strategies. To consider the impact of confounding variables. To make the connection between design and outcomes.
14. What is the PRIMARY reason to review the budget and estimated return on investment during the design development phase? a.
To validate alignment with the project’s evidencebased design goals. b. To gather and review baseline financial data to inform post-occupancy evaluations. c. To determine the cost to conduct research after the project is completed. d. To identify first-time costs for new capital equipment.
10. A project team wants to make sure that a patient satisfaction tool they developed has a high degree of external validity. What does external validity mean? The tool is transferable to a variety of healthcare settings. b. The tool generates results that are significant to p < .05. c. The tool measures what it is supposed to measure. d. The tool generalizes information to theoretical constructs.
15. When developing the preliminary research plan during conceptual design, what is the PRIMARY purpose for creating a hypothesis? a.
To determine the appropriate research methodology. b. To identify the baseline data that needs to be collected.
11. What model addresses the integration of the physical environment, people, systems-design, operational
To evaluate the outcomes for the various design options. d. To establish a link between the design concept and intended results.
What baseline data is MOST important to gather during the design phase to be able to evaluate the success of this feature after occupancy? a. b. c. d.
16. In the early phases of the project, when the scope of the project has been reviewed and the team is developing the estimated budget, what should be documented to justify evidence-based design features? a. b. c. d.
Strategic goals. Research methodology. Business case. Master plan.
17. When applying an evidence-based design process, why MUST the economic and social factors included in the Environment of Care (EOC) model be considered when designing the physical environment? a. b. c. d.
They affect the development of the budget. They exist concurrently and influence planning. They influence the results of the research. They define baseline performance metrics.
18. A project team wants to standardize their patient rooms. They hypothesize that the implementation of same-handed rooms will improve outcomes. When evaluating their results what would be the BEST data to review to demonstrate an improvement in clinical outcomes? a. b. c. d.
Length of stay reports. Patient satisfaction surveys. Medical error rates. Healthcare-associated infection rates.
19. As soon as the project scope is defined, which of the following should kick-off the research process? a. b. c. d.
Average length of the procedure. Average number of procedures. Average patient recovery time. Average patient satisfaction scores.
21. A team of researchers collected data on patient and family stress, patient length of stay (LOS), and overall satisfaction to compare a unit with windows to a unit without windows. After collecting data they realized that staff changes had been implemented in the new unit. Which of the following should the team do before drawing conclusions? a. b. c. d.
Analyze the data for confounding variables. Conduct focus groups with the new staff. Conduct surveys with the existing staff. Disregard the data and restart data collection.
22. What MUST the executive team of a community health center do to establish a project vision and goals and gain insight into how design strategies will work in a real-world setting? a.
Confirm the project scope with the board of directors. b. Develop the project team structure and budget. c. Select and engage members of an interdisciplinary project team. d. Establish expectations for the project and team members. 23. As the project team begins to develop their design strategies for the emergency room, they want to locate the most relevant research. What is the BEST place for them to locate this information?
Identify research questions. Conduct a literature review. Document a hypothesis. Establish performance metrics.
a. b. c. d.
Trade journals Indexing service Websites Databases
20. After reviewing reliable research studies indicating that soothing music can reduce the need for anesthesia during medical procedures, the team wants to incorporate this feature in their operating rooms.
24. As the project team begins their work, they should establish guiding principles and design guidelines that will lead to the creation of design concepts. What is BEST source of information for the team to use when developing their guiding principles? a. b. c. d.
Relevant literature. Experiential knowledge. Current healthcare regulations. Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report.
c. Define the performance metrics. d. Review the business case. 28. During design development, the project team finalized the proposed design features. Now the team is starting to create hypotheses for their research study. What MUST the team include in the hypotheses to properly evaluate their design features? a. b. c. d.
25. What is the MOST important reason to include expert experiential knowledge from an architectural consultant firm? a. They have access to a database of resources. b. They have access to a network of professionals. c. They provide experimental data on research studies. d. They bring project-based observations and insights.
Triangulation Correlation Qualitative research Applied research
27. After construction is completed, the research team is preparing to collect the post-occupancy data. What should the team do PRIOR to collecting the data?
Research design and methodology. Baseline data. Prediction of expected relationships. Primary focus of the research.
29. During the design process, personnel participated in a visioning session to identify perceived problems and to suggest improvements. Research followed to see if credible evidence could be found to support the suggested improvements. The findings were discussed with the staff. What was the PRIMARY reason for doing this?
26. When measuring or evaluating results, various methodologies can be used. Independently they may have limitations. Which of the following describes the use of multiple methods to strengthen the validity and reliability of the research project? a. b. c. d.
a. b. c. d.
To discuss existing workflow. To meet union requirements. To encourage support and buy-in. To make an informed decision.
30. A large medical center developed a corporate strategy committed to safety and sustainability. One goal is to reduce patient falls and infections. The marketing department also wants to increase the medical center’s market share. Prior to functional and space programming, what is the FIRST thing the team should do? a. b. c. d.
a. Create the research hypothesis. b. Validate the research tools.
Establish outcome measures. Evaluate population demographics. Ensure alignment of the project vision and goals. Conduct focus groups to determine needs.
About EDAC EDAC (Evidence-based Design Accreditation and Certification) is an educational program. The goal of the program is not to educate and test people on their knowledge of available evidence, rather to educate and test them on the process to identify research, hypothesize, implement, gather, evaluate, and report their results. Mission and Vision Our mission is to develop a community of certified industry individuals through education and assessment of an evidence-based design process. Our vision is a world where all healthcare environments are created using an evidence-based design process. About the Exam The EDAC examination consists of 110 multiple-choice questions (100 scored and 10 pretest). Pretest items are not scored and are included to gather statistics for their use on future examinations. Candidates will have 2 hours to complete the exam. Every question (or statement) on the exam should be read carefully to avoid selecting the wrong answer based on a misread question. The answer is the most appropriate choice of all the possible responses. The examination covers five sections in the exam content outline: Evidence-Based Design for Healthcare; Research; Predesign; Design; Construction and Occupancy. Use the outline, found on the EDAC website, as a reference guide to study for the exam. Types of Questions Recall: Requires candidates to draw from memorized facts. Application: Requires candidates to interpret, classify, translate, or recognize relationships. The correct answer varies with the situation. Analysis: These questions contain information that requires synthesis, problem solving, and selection of the best response. The question has correct answers that vary with the situation and candidates must act on a problem they identify from provided clues. EDAC is a program from The Center for Health Design, and the exam is administered by Castle Worldwide. For additional information, please visit the EDAC website:
Answer Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
a b a a d c c b d a
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
b d d a d c b c a c
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
a c d a d a b c d c