Ffxi Ac Tool Spell Bottle
Where to buy Spells submitted 3 years ago by Xairos I have a friend who started as an RDM (and I want to level BLM with him on occasion), So I was wondering where to get some of the more basic spells as the AH only carries things like Fire III and IV. Supernewhouston.bitballoon.com› ♥ ♥ ♥ Ffxi Ac Tool Spell Bothered ♥ ♥ ♥ I'm lvl 52 Blu and my Blue magic is capped at 163. I go to Gusgen Mines last night to try and learn Self-Destruct from bombs and after about 4-5 hours and some 50 bombs later, I have yet to learn the spell.
Home >Equipment >Goods and Services >This page includes clothing and outfits as well as containers such as bags, pouches, boxes, chests and similar items.
Clothing and Outfits Bags, Boxes and Pouches Magic Containers
Clothing, Outfits & Accessories
This section includes clothes and outfits which can be useful for special occasions, such as braving an arctic wasteland, attending a gala, sleuthing around an urban setting, or any other situation where specific garb might be beneficial or fitting.
A character may begin play with one outfit valued at 10 gp or less at no cost. Additional outfits or articles of clothing must be purchased normally.
Outfits | |||
Item | Price | Weight | Source |
Chausses | 1 gp | 3 lbs.* | PPZO94102 |
Corset | 1 sp–200 gp | 3 lbs.* | PPZO94102 |
Dancer’s Garb | 100 gp | 5 lbs. | PPZO94102 |
Dancer’s Garb, Silver | 200 gp | 5 lbs. | PPZO94102 |
Gambeson | 1 gp | 4 lbs.* | PPZO94102 |
Outfit, Artisan’s | 1 gp | 4 lbs.1 | PZO1110 |
Outfit, Burglar’s | 5 gp | 5 lbs.* | PPZO94102 |
Outfit, Cold-Weather | 8 gp | 7 lbs.1 | PZO1110 |
Outfit, cold-weather (animal companion) | 15 gp | 6 lbs. | PZO1140 |
Outfit, Courtesan’s | 8 gp | 4 lbs.* | PPZO94102 |
Outfit, Courtier’s | 30 gp | 6 lbs.1 | PZO1110 |
Outfit, Dilettante’s | 20 gp | 8 lbs. | PZO1121 |
Outfit, Doctor’s | 150 gp | 6 lbs. | PZO9410 |
Outfit, Entertainer’s | 3 gp | 4 lbs.1 | PZO1110 |
Outfit, Executioner’s | 5 gp | 8 lbs.* | PPZO94102 |
Outfit, Explorer’s | 10 gp | 8 lbs.1 | PZO1110 |
Outfit, Flame-Retardant | 50 gp | 10 lbs. | PZO1140 |
Outfit, Hot Weather | 8 gp | 4 lbs. | PZO1115 |
Outfit, Monk’s | 5 gp | 2 lbs.1 | PZO1110 |
Outfit, Noble’s | 75 gp | 10 lbs.1 | PZO1110 |
Outfit, Peasant’s | 1 sp | 2 lbs.1 | PZO1110 |
Outfit, Pickpocket’s | 5 gp | 3 lbs.1 | PZO9410 |
Outfit, Royal | 200 gp | 15 lbs.1 | PZO1110 |
Outfit, Scholar’s | 5 gp | 6 lbs.1 | PZO1110 |
Outfit, Squire’s | 5 gp | 8 lbs.* | PPZO94102 |
Outfit, Sun Sensitivity | 300 gp | 5 lbs. | PRG:TWoVHD |
Outfit, Traveler’s | 1 gp | 5 lbs.1 | PZO1110 |
Shinobi shozoku | 50 gp | 2 lbs.* | PPZO94102 |
Silk kimono | 200 gp | 5 lbs.* | PPZO94102 |
Soldier’s uniform | 1 gp | 5 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Sparring gear | 35 sp | 15 lbs.* | PPZO94102 |
Suit, diving | 10 gp | 2 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Swarmsuit | 20 gp | 10 lbs. | PZO1110 |
Tear-Away Clothing | +5 gp | varies1 | PZO9410 |
Footwear | |||
Item | Price | Weight | Source |
Boots, stiletto | 10 gp | 1 lb.* | PPZO94102 |
Boots, fire-resistant | 20 gp | 2 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Boots, softpaw | 25 gp | 1 lb. | PZO1121 |
Cleats | 5 gp | 2 lbs. | PZO1115 |
Cushion inserts | 5 sp | — | PZO1140 |
Skates, ice | 1 gp | 2 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Skis | 5 gp | 20 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Snowshoes | 5 gp | 4 lbs.1 | PZO1115 |
Face, Head and Neck | |||
Item | Price | Weight | Source |
Cape, Billow | 100 gp | 4 lbs. | PZO1121 |
Eyeglasses | 5 gp | — | PZO9410 |
Eye patch | 1 sp | — | PoIS |
Goggles, Gloom Sight | 200 gp | — | PZO1121 |
Goggles, Smoked | 10 gp | — | PZO1115 |
Hat | 1 sp to 50 gp | 1/2 to 2 lbs. | PZO9410 |
Mask | 1 sp to 50 gp | 1 lb.1 | PZO9410 |
Mask, Battle | 50 gp | 2 lbs. | PZO1121 |
Mask, Doctor’s | 50 gp | 2 lbs. | PZO9410 |
Mask, Monster | 5–10 gp | 1 lb. | PZO1123 |
Neck Guard | 10 gp | 1/4 lb. | PZO1121 |
Scarf | 1 sp to 5 gp | 1/2 lb.1 | PZO9410 |
Scarf, filter | 5 gp | — | PZO1140 |
Scarf, head | 1 sp–10 gp | — | PPZO94102 |
Scarf, pocketed | 8 gp | 1/2 lbs.1 | PZO9410 |
Scarf, reinforced | 10 gp | 1 lb.1 | PZO9410 |
Wig | 5 gp to 500 gp | 1/2 to 4 lbs.1 | PZO9410 |
Bodywear | |||
Item | Price | Weight | Source |
Cloak, Patchwork | 5 gp | 1/2 lb. | PZO1123 |
Cloak, Reversible | 2 sp–100 gp | 1 lb. | PZO1123 |
Cloak, Wing | 1,200 gp | 1 lb. | PZO1121 |
Furs | 12 gp | 5 lbs.1 | PZO1115 |
Kilt | 2 sp | 1 lb. | PZO1123 |
Poncho | 5 sp | 2 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Sash, Adventurer’s | 20 gp | 3 lbs. (container) | SOS |
Speed sheath | 10 gp | 1 lb. | PZO1140 |
Tabard | 5 gp | 1 lb. | PZO1123 |
Vest | 1 sp to 50 gp | 1/2 lb.1 | PZO9410 |
Vest, barbed | 10 gp | 4 lbs. | PZO1110 |
Vestments, Cleric’s | 5 gp | 6 lbs.1 | PZO1110 |
Jewelry, Perfumes and other Decorative Accessories | |||
Item | Price | Weight | Source |
Brooch | Varies | — | PZO1123 |
Caul | 10–100 gp | — | PZO1123 |
Decorative trim | 1 sp–50 gp | — | PZO1123 |
Hennin | 10–100 gp | 1 lb. | PZO1123 |
Jewelry | varies | varies | PZO9410 |
Jewelry, false | +20 gp | — | RotRLPG |
Locket, Poisoned | 75 gp | — | PPC:P&P |
Perfume/Cologne, common | 1 gp/dose | — | ISWG |
Perfume/Cologne, exotic | 100 gp/dose | — | ISWG |
Perfume/Cologne, common (1 dose) | 1 gp | — | PCS |
Perfume/Cologne, rare (1 dose) | 10 gp | — | PCS |
Perfume/Cologne, exotic (1 dose) | 100 gp | — | PCS |
Ring, poison pill | +20 gp | — | PZO9410 |
Ring, signet | 5 gp | — | PZO1110 |
Watch, pocket | 250 gp | 1 lb | PZO9410 |
Tattoo | 1 cp – 20gp | — | PZO9410 |
All characters begin play with one outfit, valued at 10 gp or less. Additional outfits can be purchased normally.
Outfit, Artisan’s
This outfit includes a shirt with buttons, a skirt or pants with a drawstring, shoes, and perhaps a cap or hat. It may also include a belt or a leather or cloth apron for carrying tools.
Outfit, Burglar’s
Price 5 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
This outfit consists of fitted pants, a shirt, a hooded reversible cloak, soft leather boots, and a face mask, all in dark or neutral colors. The outfit’s few buttons and rivets are wrapped in dull, dark cloth to avoid jingling or reflecting light. A number of loops and shallow pockets are also worked into the outfit, providing ample spaces for stashing small tools or weapons.
Outfit, Companion Cold-Weather
Price 15 gp; Weight 6 lbs.
This vestment works just like a cold-weather outfit, granting a +5 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saving throws against exposure to cold weather, except it is custom made for an animal companion. The added cost represents custom tailoring to ensure that the furs used don’t cause unwanted reactions from the animal wearing the outfit.
Outfit, Flame-Retardant
Price 50 gp; Weight 10 lbs.
Constructed to resist the effects of hot environments (such as forest fires and areas of volcanic activity), this set of overlapping, heavy leather clothing includes a pair of fire-resistant boots. The outfit grants fire resistance 1, but exposure to fire damage ruins the outfit after 20 rounds.
Outfit, Courtesan’s
Price 8 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
This outfit includes fine silk or satin garments tailored to complement your figure. In addition, the outfit contains a loose shawl or robe with several discreet pockets for items such as perfume, massage oils, or even a small dagger.
Outfit, Cold-Weather
This outfit includes a wool coat, linen shirt, wool cap, heavy cloak, thick pants or skirt, and boots. This outfit grants a +5 circumstance bonus on Fortitudesaving throws against exposure to cold weather.
Outfit, Courtier’s
This outfit includes fancy, tailored clothes in whatever fashion happens to be the current style in the courts of the nobles. Anyone trying to influence nobles or courtiers while wearing street dress will have a hard time of it (–2 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks to influence such individuals). If you wear this outfit without jewelry (costing an additional 50 gp), you look like an out-of-place commoner.
As this outfit does not cost 10 gp or less, player characters can not choose this outfit for free when first beginning play.
Outfit, Dilettante’s
These clothes are favored by gnome inventors and wanderers, and consist of sturdy boots, a pair of stout linen pants or skirt, a cloth shirt, leather gloves, a hat and cloak, and numerous belts, straps, and accessories (such as scarves, a vest, bits of rope or twine, and bandoleers). These items are generally mismatched, each having been selected as “superior” from some other set of clothing, and are rife with pockets and small hidey-holes. It the wearer a +2 circumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal a small object on her body.
As this outfit does not cost 10 gp or less, player characters can not choose this outfit for free when first beginning play.
Outfit, Doctor’s
Any creature wearing this outfit gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saves made to resist contact diseases.
As this outfit does not cost 10 gp or less, player characters can not choose this outfit for free when first beginning play.
Outfit, Entertainer’s
This set of flashy—perhaps even gaudy—clothes is for entertaining. While the outfit looks whimsical, its practical design lets you tumble, dance, walk a tightrope, or just run (if the audience turns ugly).
Outfit, Executioner’s
Price 5 gp; Weight 8 lbs.
Typically worn by jailers or executioners, this outfit includes a black woolen shirt, a tunic, pants, a belt, sturdy boots, a balaclava or hood, and a great cloak. This outfit is generally too intimidating and macabre to be worn in polite company.
Some executioner’s outfits prominently bear the symbol of the government or law-enforcing institution the wearer serves, while others are left ragged and stained to appear all the more threatening.
Outfit, Explorer’s
This set of clothes is for someone who never knows what to expect. It includes sturdy boots, leather breeches or a skirt, a belt, a shirt (perhaps with a vest or jacket), gloves, and a cloak. Rather than a leather skirt, a leather overtunic may be worn over a cloth skirt. The clothes have plenty of pockets (especially the cloak). The outfit also includes any extra accessories you might need, such as a scarf or a wide-brimmed hat.
Outfit, Hot Weather
Covering your body from head to foot in light, airy cloth keeps you cooler than baring your skin to the sun. This outfit typically consists of a loose linen robe and either a turban or loose head covering and veil. The outfit provides a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist warm or hot weather. This does not stack with any bonuses gained from the Survival skill.
Outfit, Monk’s
This simple outfit includes sandals, loose breeches, and a loose shirt, and is bound together with sashes. The outfit is designed to give you maximum mobility, and it’s made of high-quality fabric. You can conceal small weapons in pockets hidden in the folds, and the sashes are strong enough to serve as short ropes.
Outfit, Noble’s
These clothes are designed specifically to be expensive and gaudy. Precious metals and gems are worked into the clothing. A would-be noble also needs a signet ring and jewelry (worth at least 100 gp) to accessorize this outfit.
As this outfit does not cost 10 gp or less, player characters can not choose this outfit for free when first beginning play.
Outfit, Peasant’s
This set of clothes consists of a loose shirt and baggy breeches, or a loose shirt and skirt or overdress. Cloth wrappings are used for shoes.
Outfit, Pickpocket’s
Outfitted with concealed pockets, this clothing gives you a +2 bonus on hiding small objects on your person.
Outfit, Royal
This is just the clothing, not the royal scepter, crown, ring, and other accoutrements. Royal clothes are ostentatious, with gems, gold, silk, and fur in abundance.
As this outfit does not cost 10 gp or less, player characters can not choose this outfit for free when first beginning play.
Outfit, Scholar’s
Perfect for a scholar, this outfit includes a robe, a belt, a cap, soft shoes, and possibly a cloak.
Outfit, Squire’s
Price 5 gp; Weight 8 lbs.
This outfit includes heavy woolen pants, a tunic, leather boots, a belt, sturdy gloves, a cap, and a heavy tabard bearing the colors or sigil of a noble house or organization. Many organizations provide new squires this outfit for free, with the expectation they wear it during their duties.
Outfit, Sun Sensitivity
Price 300 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Dhampirs and other races sensitive to glaring light know a unique hell when traveling under the sun’s vicious rays. To protect against the painful light, members of these races often shield themselves with some combination of heavy cloaks, gloves, tinted glasses, screening salves, and—most importantly—wide-brimmed hats. A sun sensitivity outfit prevents creatures with light sensitivity from being dazzled when walking, traveling, or otherwise performing simple acts in areas of bright natural light. Acclimating to the light still requires a moment of adjustment, so even when wearing this outfit, creatures with light sensitivity are dazzled for 1 minute after entering an area of bright sunlight. Violent activity such as combat (or any other act that might jostle the wearer’s hat) also counters the outfit’s effectiveness, causing the wearer to be subject to light sensitivity as normal. A sun sensitivity outfit offers no protection against magical light, such as the spell daylight.
Outfit, Traveler’s
This set of clothes consists of boots, a wool skirt or breeches, a sturdy belt, a shirt (perhaps with a vest or jacket), and an ample cloak with a hood.
Type | Price | Weight | Source |
Fire-resistant | 2 gp | 2 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Softpaw | 50 gp | 4 lbs. | PZO1121 |
Stiletto | 5 gp | 1 lbs. | PPZO94102 |
Wading | 50 gp | 2 lbs. | PZO1140 |
Boots, Fire-Resistant These heavy leather boots contain a layer of brick dust that protects your feet from heat. You gain fire resistance 2 against fire attacks directed at or under your feet, such as walking across hot coals. Repeat or prolonged exposure to fire damage eventually burns the outer leather of the boots, ruining them (typically after about 1d10+20 rounds of exposure).
Boots, Softpaw These soft and subtle boots are constructed of silk and specially cured leather. They are specially designed for catfolk feet. They work with the feline structure of the race’s feet to soften footfalls and to reduce the imprints of their tracks. While wearing softpaw boots, a catfolk gains a +1 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks. Furthermore, the DC to notice or follow the tracks of a catfolk wearing softpaw boots increases by +2. SourcePZO1121
Boots, Stiletto The most ostentatious and impractical of footwear, the tall heel attached to these boots adds several inches to your height. This type of boot is popular among nobles, though the trend has recently caught on among some members of noble courts. You can use the heel of a stiletto boot as an improvised weapon, dealing damage as a punching dagger. SourcePPZO94102
Boots, Wading These waterproof boots are felt lined and have a thin layer of metal around the soles. The top of each boot ends just before the knee, with a cord for tying the top shut over clothing or exposed skin. These boots assist in prolonged hikes through deep mud or shallow pools, granting the wearer a +1 circumstance bonus on Profession (fisher) checks while fishing in shallow water. SourcePZO1140
Useful on any terrain where traction may be a concern, cleats are shoes with spikes or hooks attached to the soles. Cleats reduce the penalty for walking over slick surfaces by 50%; for example, walking across ice normally costs 2 squares for every square of movement, but with cleats it costs only 1.5 squares for every square. Cleats cause damage to any type of finished flooring.
Cushioned Inserts
Price 5 SP; Weight —
These rubber boot or shoe inserts cushion your feet and improve your gait, granting you a +1 circumstance bonus on Constitution checks to continue running and to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march.
Skates, Ice
Price 1 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
Each of these calf-high boots bears a vertical blade on the bottom, allowing you to travel swiftly on ice. Wearing ice skates allows you to move on ice at normal speed with a successful DC 5 Acrobatics check (including running and charging), but your movement is reduced to half speed on all other terrain. Donning or removing an ice skate is a full-round action. Skating with only one is possible, but the DC of the Acrobatics check rises to 15.
Price 5 gp; Weight 20 lb.
Each ski is a flat piece of wood about 5–6 feet long for a Medium wearer, curled up slightly at the front end, with lengthwise grooves along the underside and a wooden or metal bracket with laces on top for holding the wearer’s boot in place. Wearing skis allows you to move on snow and ice at normal speed, but your movement is reduced to 5 feet on all other terrain. You normally use a pair of spiked poles to help you move and maintain balance while skiing, but javelins, shortspears, or even trimmed-down saplings will do if nothing else more suitable is available. Donning or removing a ski is a full-round action, though the laces can be cut as a move action (which requires repairing or replacing the laces if you want to use the skis again).
These high-tension nets of rope or sinew in wooden frames which are lashed to the feet spread your weight across the snow, making you much less likely to break through the crust and rendering walking much easier. Snowshoes reduce the penalty for walking through heavy snow by 50%; for example, if moving through snow normally costs you 2 squares of movement per square traveled, snowshoes reduce this cost to 1.5 squares per square traveled.
Face, Head and Neck
Cape, Billow
This silk cape is constructed of many carefully arranged overlapping layers that are loosely stitched together. When exposed to a sudden influx of air, like that caused by falling, the cloak unfolds like a crude parachute. When falling, a creature wearing a billow cape is treated as if he had deliberately jumped from the height. When worn in areas of strong wind or greater, a billow cape hampers movement. In such wind conditions, the wearer treats all terrain as difficult terrain and takes a –4 penalty on Fly checks. Because of the strange and somewhat fragile construction of this cape, only Small or smaller billow capes function properly. Larger billow capes take all the penalties resulting from high winds, but grant none of the benefits when the wearer falls.
Also known as spectacles, eyeglasses compensate for poor vision or magnify small details.
Eye Patch
An eye patch covers one eye and ties around the head. Pirates usually wear eye patches to cover injured or blind eyes, but some wear eye patches to look more intimidating, or to keep one eye covered and thus retain their night vision when transitioning from the relative darkness belowdecks to the sunlight above.
Goggles, Gloom Sight
These non-magical goggles are set with a piece of alchemically treated, black, obsidian-like stone found in the mountainous regions of the Shadow Plane. Gloom sight goggles interact with the unique eyes of fetchlings in such a way that when the goggles are worn over both eyes, they expand the range of a fetchling’sdarkvision to 90 feet, but the fetchling also gains the light sensitivity weakness. Other races cannot see through the lenses of these goggles, and they have no affect on fetchlings whose eyes have been modified by the Gloom Sight feat. Though they are alchemical rather than magical in nature, these goggles take up the magic item eye slot.
Goggles, Smoked
These spectacles have lenses made of smoked glass that help protect against creatures with gaze attacks. You are always treated as averting your gaze when dealing with gaze attacks, and you gain a +8 circumstance bonus on saving throws against visual-based attacks (any attack that a blind creature would be immune to). You have a –4 penalty on Perception checks while wearing the goggles, and all opponents are treated as having concealment (20% miss chance).
SourcePZO9410, PPC:PotIS.
Hats of various styles appear in all cultures. Ranging from the turban to the headscarf to the tricorn to the furred cap, a hat can be a simple covering for the head or a sign of rank and status. Particular hats are sometimes mandatory for social or religious sects. Pirates often wear bandanas or tricorn hats, while captains prefer bicornes and may wear them either “fore-and-aft” (with the points in front of and behind them) or “athwart” (sideways.)
Gala events are where one may see the most outlandish and stylish of masks, but simpler masks may be found wherever local customs permit. They range from small bits of fabric that cover only a portion of the face to elaborate constructions that cover the entire face or head.
Mask, Battle
Made from wood, bone, or similar materials, this mask covers its wearer’s actual appearance and identity by depicting a hateful, leering face instead. Because of a battle mask’s excellent craftsmanship and exquisite details, the wearer gains a +1 bonus on Intimidate checks made to demoralize an opponent.
Mask, Doctor’s
This mask gives you a +1 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saves made against airborne toxins and scent-based effects. It is sometimes a crime to wear a doctor’s mask in public if you are not a healer or physician.
Mask, Monster
Price varies; Weight 1 lb.
This articulated mask resembles a specific type of humanoid monster, such as a bugbear, goblin, orc, or hobgoblin. The mouth opens and closes when you move your jaw and its skin is actually carefully-painted cloth. Though such masks are usually intended for theater performances where an actor plays the role of a monster, adventurers have been known to use them to help blend in with monsters of the appropriate type. The mask negates the –2 Disguise DC for disguising yourself as a different race, but only at a distance of at least 20 feet or when you have concealment; closer than this distance or in clearer circumstances, the mask is obviously a false representation. It only covers your face and is normally worn with a wig or helmet to disguise or cover the rest of your head. Each mask is most suitable for a wearer of a particular size, though some size and monster combinations are less believable than others (a Small creature in an orc mask may be able to pass as an orc child, but a Medium creature in a goblin mask at best looks like a deformed hobgoblin).
Neck Guard
Made from hardened leather reinforced with a band of metal, this collar protects the wearer against vampire bites when worn around the throat. It provides a +1 armor bonus to AC against vampire bites or similar attacks that specifically target the wearer’s throat. Unlike most armor bonuses, the neck guard’s +1 bonus stacks with the armor bonus of light or medium armor, but it provides no additional bonus when worn with heavy armor.
Scarves of colorful cloth or transparent silk, often embroidered with elaborate scenes, are favorite accessories.
Scarf, Filter
Price 5 gp; Weight —
Made of heavy material, this scarf filters out dust, sand, smoke, and other airborne contaminants. When worn over your nose and mouth, this scarf grants you a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws against inhaled poisons and other airborne effects that require breathing.
Scarf, Head
Price 1 sp–10 gp; Weight —
Often worn for privacy, religious or cultural reasons, or protection from the elements, full scarves designed to be wrapped around the head are common accessories. Headscarves of bright colors or ornate embroidery can fetch a substantially higher price.
Scarf, Pocketed
An elaborate design disguises several small pockets on one side of this scarf. This scarf grants you a +4 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to hide objects on your body. This bonus does not stack with the bonus wearing heavy clothing provides but does stack with bonuses for attempting to hide small objects.
Scarf, Reinforced
One side of this 8-foot-long scarf is reinforced with chain links and metal plates. While not enough to provide a benefit to Armor Class, these versatile scarves can be used like a length of chain to climb short distances or bind an enemy. A reinforced scarf has hardness 10 and 4 hit points. It can be burst with a DC 24 Strength check.
False hair comes in many forms, from the severe coif of a judge to the towering confection adorning a noble to the simple curls worn by a housewife whose hair is thinning. Wigs can be found for sale in any major city and can be special-ordered in most towns. As they are usually made of hair, the available colors are likely limited by the locally predominant hair color, but others can be obtained by applying dye.
Price 1 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
These padded woolen leggings are quilted to provide extra warmth and protection. They are frequently worn under mail or plate armor.
Cloak, Patchwork
Price 5 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
These cloaks are popular among traveling bards, and each patchwork cloak is unique. The patches represent where the traveler has been, and often the performer uses them to recall specific stories from his repertoire. When a bard retires or dies, he often bequeaths his cloak to a young entertainer he mentored or admired.
Cloak, Reversible
Price varies; Weight 1 lb.
This cloak has an outer layer of fabric and an inner layer of a different color. They are worn for the sake of fashion, in theater performances, or to aid a quick appearance change as part of a disguise. The price varies depending on the cloak’s quality, with the low end being a simple linen cloak and the high end being made of silk or decorated with fur trim.
Cloak, Wing
This strange piece of equipment only works for sylphs and similar creatures, whose light, airy bodies can be borne upon the winds. Looking like a fine silk traveler’s cloak, a wing cloak is secretly reinforced with a series of wooden struts that, when locked into place, stretch the cloak’s fabric into a rudimentary wing. Arranging the struts into a wing or reversing the change is a move action. When the cloak is shaped into a wing, the wearer can make a DC 15 Fly check to fall safely from any height without taking falling damage, as if using feather fall. When falling, the wearer may make an additional DC 15 Fly check to glide, moving 5 feet laterally for every 20 feet she falls. Readying and using a wing cloak requires two hands and provokes an attack of opportunity. A wing cloak has hardness 0 and 5 hit points. If the wing cloak is broken, the Fly DCs to use it increase by +10.
Price 1 SP–200 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Sewn-in boning and laces allow this bodice to adjust your waist size in a way considered alluring by some cultures. The restrictive nature of this garment makes it a poor choice for combat or other athletic exertions, but you can easily conceal a thin knife in the corset’s boning. The price varies greatly depending on the corset’s quality; the cheapest corsets are made of simple cloth and cost mere silver pieces, while the most expensive feature silk brocade and are decorated with pearls or other costly adornments.
Dancer’s Garb
Price 100 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
This combination of loose-fitting sashes, veils, and ornamentation accentuates a dancer’s form and movements.
Dancer’s garb provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Perform (dance) checks, similar to that provided by masterwork instruments for other Perform skills, but does not grant this benefit when worn with armor or other concealing clothing.
Dancer’s Garb, Silver
Price 200 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
In addition to granting the same bonus on Perform (dance) checks as regular dancer’s garb, silver dancer’s garb is considered a silver instrument for silver balladeer bards.
Silver dancer’s garb can be made of sunsilver (see below); sunsilver dancer’s garb costs an additional 3,000 gp and grants the same benefits as armor made of sunsilver. As with the bonus on Perform (dance) checks, this benefit functions only when no other armor or concealing clothing is worn.
Diving Suit
Price 10 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This one-piece suit of clothing reduces one’s drag in the water, making swimming easier. It provides a +1 circumstance bonus on Swim checks. The suit only grants this bonus if it is the outermost garment, and has no effect if worn over bulky clothes or armor or with cumbersome gear (such as a backpack, large weapons, and so on). Damage to the suit (such as from several rounds of combat against slashing and piercing attacks) negates the suit’s bonus until it is repaired.
The most basic of cold-weather gear, animal furs serve to keep their wearers warm. Wearing enough fur to cover the body provides a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist cold weather. This does not stack with any bonuses gained from the Survival skill.
Price 1 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
This padded cloth jacket is often worn alone or with mail or plate armor and is favored by hunters, guards, and soldiers. A gambeson fitted with leather loops to more easily attach armor is called an arming doublet. Although sufficient to protect you against casual scrapes, it is not as thick as padded armor.
Price 2 sp; Weight 1 lb.
This heavy pleated skirt is usually worn by men. Most have a specific design or pattern that represents allegiance to a particular clan or other social group.
Price 5 sp; Weight 2 lbs.
This circle of water-resistant fabric (typically wool or leather) has a hooded opening in the center, making it easy to slip it on or off and protecting your entire body from rain or snow.
Sash, Adventurer’s
Price 20 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This bandolier holds six pouches along its length and a satchel at the hip. Each pouch has a stiff leather flap that can be secured against jostling with a clasp (requiring a move action to open or close) or left unfastened for easier access. The pouches and satchel contain loops and ties for securing additional equipment.
The sash buckles at the shoulder, and in an emergency can be freed with a sharp tug as a move action.
Soldier’s Uniform
Price 1 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
The exact details of this item varies from country to country, but typically includes sturdy boots, leather breeches or a kilt, a belt, a shirt, gloves, a cloak or jacket, and a hat. The belt includes several loops or rings for tying pouches, a waterskin, a scabbard, and similar things a traveling soldier requires.
Sparring Gear
Price 35 sp; Weight 15 lb.
This array of thick, heavily lined pads, including a quilted helmet, rigid shin guards, and a wraparound rib guard, protects you during hand-to-hand training. Sparring gear cannot be worn with armor, but grants DR 2/— against nonlethal damage. Fighting schools often customize their sparring gear to feature prestigious colors or symbols.
These heavy and overlapping layers of clothing, coupled with a wide hat outfitted with a dense, veil-like netting around its brim makes it all but impossible for Diminutive and Fine creatures to make physical contact with your body. Wearing a swarmsuit cuts your speed in half, but gives you DR 10/— against swarms of Fine creatures and DR 5/— against swarms of Diminutive creatures.
Ffxi Ac Tool Spell Bottle Holder
Tear-Away Clothing
Sneaks and thieves throughout Golarion know the value of a good disguise. The ability to remove that disguise in a hurry, thus revealing the next layer of disguise, is nearly as valuable. Tear-away clothing is generally loose fitting and long to allow another layer of clothing to be worn underneath. The seams and catches on this clothing are designed to break easily, making it a simple matter (a standard action) to remove these items and walk away with none the wiser.
Price 5 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Often worn over armor, this outer garment is usually sleeveless and open at the sides. The broad front provides a canvas for insignias and coats of arms, making a wearer’s membership in an order readily apparent.
Much like hats, vests appear in almost all cultures. Though the basic design remains the same, they vary wildly in cut, color, and function. The difference between court vests and dancing vests is quite striking.
Vest, Barbed
Thin leather flaps keep the hundreds of tiny, fishhook-like needles dotting the surface of this black vest from harming you while you wear it. However, any creature that injures you with a natural or unarmed attack must make a DC 15 Reflex save or take 1 point of damage. Any creature swallows you it takes 1 point of damage each round until it either spits you up, you escape, or you die (at which point the vest has sustained enough damage to no longer serve as a threat). The vest can only be worn over light armor or no armor.
Vestments, Cleric’s
These clothes are for performing priestly functions, not for adventuring. Cleric’s vestments typically include a cassock, stole, and surplice.
Jewelry, Perfumes and other Decorative Accessories
Price varies; Weight —
This is a small ornament used to hold an element of clothing, such as a cloak or cape, in place. Many organizations provide special brooches as a symbol of membership or to honor a special achievement.
Price varies; Weight —
This ornate hairnet, fashioned from silk, cloth of gold, and jewels, is most commonly worn by royal or aristocratic women.
Decorative Trim
Price varies; Weight —
This decorative set of collars, cuffs, and trim pieces attaches to otherwise plain clothes. Frequent travelers, such as merchants or entertainers, use trim to blend in with the local styles without buying a new wardrobe. A traveling noble keeps extra sets for use by temporary staff and loaned guards.
Price varies; Weight 1 lb.
This high conical headpiece ends in a tip that usually has a piece of silk or similar diaphanous material dangling from it. Women of noble birth sometimes wear a hennin to formal or social occasions as a signal of their eligibility, and give the silk part of the headpiece as a token to suitors they favor.
The cost of jewelry varies wildly by its quality. Many cultures consciously use jewelry as a form of portable wealth, most notably in belts and bangles made from coins. A commoner’s ornaments may only be worth a few copper pieces, a tradesman’s a few silver pieces, and a merchant’s a few gold pieces, while nobles rarely wear jewelry worth less than 100 gp.
Jewelry, False
Source Rise of the Runelords Player’s Guide
Favored by rogues, these adornments hide tiny secret compartments. False jewelry grants a +8 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to hide a tiny object on your person (does not stack with the bonus for hiding very small objects) and negates the +4 bonuses searchers receive when frisking you. False jewelry costs 20 gp in addition to the value of the ornament being fitted with the secret compartment.
Locket, Poisoned
Source PPC:P&P
Price 75 gp; Weight —
This heart-shaped locket is attached to a thin metal chain made of looped strands of gold or silver. Inside the locket is a small, spring-loaded vial that can hold a single dose of powdered poison. Loading the locket with poison carries the same risks as applying poison to a weapon. When the locket is opened, the vial is shattered by a ball bearing, releasing the powder into the air and treating the poison’s type as if it were inhaled. The airborne poison affects all creatures within 10 feet of the locket.
Perfume or Cologne
Perfume and cologne are common accessories for those who hope to avoid offending through scent. More expensive scents are available in finer quarters of any city. Exotic scents are sold in vials containing 10 applications, with a single dose lasting for 24 hours during which its wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy checks (save for those against creatures who, at the GM’s discretion, would not be swayed by scent).
Ring, Poison pill
This ring has a tiny compartment under the setting, typically used to hold poison. Opening and closing a ring is a move action; doing so unseen requires a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check.
Ring, Signet
A ring with a family symbol or crest on it. It is often pressed into hot wax on objects when they are sealed, leaving a family imprint.
The cost of a tattoo depends on the quality, size, and number of colors used. A coin-sized tattoo in blue ink that will blur over a decade may cost 1 cp, a hand-sized one in black ink that won’t fade costs 1 sp, and a tattoo covering an entire back takes several sessions and costs 10 gp. Each additional color costs as much as a single tattoo of its size.
Bags, Barrels, Boxes, Chests & Pouches
All containers are empty unless stated otherwise (price and weight are for container only.)
Bags and Pouches | |||
Item | Price | Weight | Source |
Backpack, common | 2 gp | 2 lbs.1 | PZO1123 |
Backpack, masterwork | 50 gp | 4 lbs.1 | PZO1123 |
Bag, waterproof | 5 sp | 1/2 lb. | PZO1123 |
Bandolier | 5 sp | — | PZO1123 |
Pocket, inside | 4 gp | — | PZO1140 |
Pouch, belt | 1 gp | 1/2 lb.1 | PZO1123 |
Pouch, spell components | 5 gp | 2 lbs. | PZO1110 |
Pouch, waist | 5 sp | 1/2 lb. | PZO1140 |
Pouch, war spirit | 50 gp | — | PZO1121 |
Sack | 1 sp | 1/2 lb.1 | PZO1110 |
Satchel, familiar | 25 gp | 6 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Waterskin | 1 gp | 4 lbs.1 | PZO1110 |
Barrels, Boxes, and Chests | |||
Item | Price | Weight | Source |
Barrel | 2 gp | 30 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Basket | 4 sp | 1 lb. | PZO1123 |
Bottle | 2 gp | 1 lb. | PZO1123 |
Box, scroll | 5 gp | 1 lb. | PZO1123 |
Bucket | 5 sp | 2 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Canteen | 2 gp | 1 lb. | PZO1123 |
Case, scroll | 1 gp | 1/2 lb. | PZO1123 |
Cauldron | 1 gp | 5 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Cauldron, mithral | 2,501 gp | 2-1/2 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Chest, Small / Small treasure chest | 2 gp / 3 gp | 25 lbs. | PZO9410/PoIS |
Chest, Medium / Medium treasure chest | 5 gp / 7 gp | 50 lbs. | PZO1110/PoIS |
Chest, Large / Large treasure chest | 10 gp / 15 gp | 100 lbs. | PZO1110/PoIS |
Chest, Huge / Huge treasure chest | 25 gp / 37 gp | 250 lbs. | PZO1110/PoIS |
Cooler | 25 gp | 60 lbs. | |
Chest, false bottomed | 52 gp | 25 lbs. | PZO9410 |
Coffee pot | 3 gp | 4 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Coffin, common | 10 gp | 30 lbs.1 | PZO1123 |
Coffin, ornate | 100 gp | 50 lbs.1 | PZO1123 |
Cup | 1 gp | — | PZO9410 |
Cup, false bottomed | 1 gp | — | PZO1123 |
Flask | 3 cp | 1-1/2 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Flask, hip | 1 gp | 1/2 lb.1 | PZO1123 |
Goblet, poisoner’s | 100 gp | 2 lbs. | PPC:P&P |
Jug | 3 cp | 9 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Mug/Tankard, clay | 2 cp | 1 lbs. | PZO1110 |
Pitcher | 2 cp | 5 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Pot, iron | 8 sp | 4 lbs. | PZO1110 |
Pot, mithral | 2,001 gp | 2 lbs. | PZO1123 |
Potion Sponge | 2 gp | — | PZO1121 |
Vial (for ink or potions) | 1 gp | — | PZO1123 |
Vial, iron | 1 sp | 1 lb. | PZO1123 |
Other Containers | |||
Item | Price | Weight | Source |
Aquarium ball | 80 gp | 20 lbs. | PPC:FF |
Rockshard canister | 50 gp | 25 lbs. | MTT |
1 These items weigh one-quarter this amount when made for Small characters. Containers for Small characters also carry one-quarter the normal amount.
2 These items weigh approximately three-quarters this amount when made for Small characters. Containers for Small characters also carry one-quarter the normal amount.
Aquarium Ball
Price 80 gp; Weight 20 lbs.
This clear, 1-inch-thick glass orb is the size of a large melon and hangs from a thick chain. It can hold up to 2 gallons of freshwater or saltwater, allowing it to house aquatic creatures such as fish or frogs. The cap near the top of the ball can be unscrewed for access. One Tiny creature or two Diminutive creatures can fit comfortably into an aquarium ball. The water within the orb must be changed daily in order to keep the creatures within alive. Otherwise, the inhabitants begin to slowly suffocate.
Type | Price | Weight |
Common | 2 gp | 2 lbs. |
Masterwork | 50 gp | 4 lbs. |
Carrier | 25 gp | 5 lbs. |
Hydration | 40 gp | 4 lbs. |
Weaponrack | 25 gp | 5 lbs. |
- Backpack, Common: This leather knapsack has one large pocket that closes with a buckled strap and holds about 2 cubic feet of material. Some may have one or more smaller pockets on the sides.
- Backpack, Masterwork: This backpack has numerous pockets for storing items that might be needed while adventuring. Hooks are included for attaching items such as canteens, pouches, or even a rolled-up blanket. It has padded bands that strap across the chest and the waist to distribute its weight more evenly. Like a common backpack, it can hold about 2 cubic feet of material in its main container. When wearing a masterwork backpack, treat your Strength score as +1 higher than normal when calculating your carrying capacity.
- Backpack, Carrier: Reinforced metal bars allow for this leather backpack to withstand a greater degree of stress than a traditional pack. Along with the standard backpack compartment, this pack has an additional pouch and harness at its top. Used together, the harness and pouch can safely contain a Tiny or smaller creature. While harnessed, the creature can’t leave the backpack or see outside of it; it takes a full-round action to remove the harness from a carried creature.
- Backpack, Hydration: This mostly leather backpack has a series of awkward metallic tubes, which run from the pack over your shoulders, and a small bladder at its base. A hydration backpack has a large pocket identical to that of a regular backpack that holds 2 cubic feet of material, while the bladder holds 1 gallon of liquid. The ends of the metal tubes can be positioned to allow you to easily dispense and drink liquid stored in the attached bladder. Consuming water in this way grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Constitution checks to avoid nonlethal damage during a forced march.
- Backpack, Weaponrack: This leather backpack includes a small weapons rack. The rack holds up to four weapons, such as battleaxes, longswords, maces, or short swords. Allies adjacent to you can retrieve a weapon from the rack as a move action without provoking attacks of opportunity, as if they were simply drawing a weapon. Like a normal backpack, it can hold 2 cubic feet of material in its main compartment.
Bag, Waterproof
Price 5 sp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This leather sack sealed with tar or pitch keeps delicate items from being ruined by water. Items kept inside remain relatively dry, making the bag ideal for carrying maps, scrolls, spellbooks, and the like, although the bag is not impervious and can only be completely immersed for 10 rounds before enough water seeps in to ruin such items.
Price 5 sp; Weight —
This leather belt is worn over one shoulder and runs diagonally across the chest and back. It has small loops or pouches for holding eight objects the size of a flask or small dagger. You can use the “retrieve a stored item” action to take an item from a bandolier. You can wear up to two bandoliers at the same time (any more than this and they get in each other’s way and restrict your movement).
A common barrel is constructed of wood with metal ring reinforcements and holds 10 cubic ft. or 650 lb. of materials. A barrel filled with liquid holds about 75 gallons.
Empty Weight: 30 lb.; Capacity: 10 cubic ft./650 lb.
Price 4 sp; Weight 1 lb.
This large basket has a lid and holds about 2 cubic feet.
Price 2 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This glass bottle holds about a pint and includes a cork.
Box, Scroll
Price 5 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This wooden box easily holds 10 scrolls and has small clips or bookmarks for easier indexing. Retrieving a scroll from a held scroll box is a move action. A scroll box has hardness 5, 5 hit points, a break DC of 20. A scroll box is water-tight.
Price 2 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This hollow container is made of wood, a gourd, or metal, and carries liquid like a waterskin, but is more resistant to punctures and cuts.
Case, Scroll
Price 1 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
A leather or wooden scroll case easily holds four scrolls; you can cram more inside, but retrieving any of them becomes a full-round action rather than a move action. You must destroy the scroll case to damage its contents (hardness 2 for leather or 5 for wood, 2 hit points, break DC 15). A scroll case is not watertight, and must still be protected from the elements.
Type | Price | Weight |
Common | 1 gp | 5 lbs. |
Mithral | 1,251 gp | 2-1/2 lbs. |
This larger version of an iron pot holds approximately 1 gallon—enough to fill the bellies of four hungry humans for one meal. It can also be used for potion-making and similar activities. A mithral cauldron is lighter, and food rarely sticks to it.
Type | Price | Weight |
Small | 2 gp | 25 lbs. |
Medium | 5 gp | 50 lbs. |
Large | 10 gp | 100 lbs. |
Huge | 25 gp | 250 lbs. |
False-bottomed | 52 gp | 25 lbs. |
Cooler | 25 gp | 60 lbs. |
- Chest, Common The common wooden chest comes in several sizes, including small (2 cubic feet, 1 hit point, break DC 17), medium (4 cubic feet, 15 hp, break DC 23), large (6 cubic feet, 30 hit points, break DC 29), and huge (8 cubic feet, 50 hit points, break DC 35). Most include a simple inset lock.
- Chest, False-Bottomed Chest These chests are typically used by smugglers transporting contraband or those with treasures they would prefer to keep hidden. The secret compartment in this chest is approximately 1 inch deep. Different styles open from the inside, from the underside, or through the back. Detecting the compartment requires a DC 20 Perception check.
- Chest, Treasure A treasure chest begins as a common wooden chest, and is then treated with resin to make the wood water-resistant. Metal bands, usually bronze to prevent rusting, are strapped around the treasure chest for extra reinforcement, and the lock is also made of bronze. A treasure chest uses the same statistics as an ordinary wooden chest of its same size, but its hit points increase by 25% and its break DC increases by 2. Treasure chests stand up better to water travel and to being buried compared to ordinary chests. SourcePPC:PotIS
- Chest, Cooler This chest can contain up to 4 cubic feet of goods, and it has a lining of insulating material between two sheets of wood. As long as the chest is partially filled with a cold substance—such as cold water or ice—items stored within decompose at half their regular rate. Ice melts on a consistent basis (typically four to six times in a 24-hour period) and must be regularly replenished to maintain the effectiveness of this chest.
Coffee Pot
Price 3 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
This tall, teapot-like device contains a small chamber for coffee grounds and a large chamber for water, connected by a small tube. Heating the pot forces boiling water through the tube and into the grounds. A glass knob at the top of the tube allows you to see the color of the brew and stop when it is sufficiently strong. It can brew up to 4 cups of coffee at a time. It can also be used to make tea, steep medicinal herbs, or just boil water.
Type | Price | Weight |
Common | 10 gp | 30 lbs. |
Ornate | 100 gp | 50 lbs. |
A plain coffin is made of simple wood and has a loose, flat lid that can be nailed onto it. Ornate coffins are favored by aristocratic families for displaying their dead, and include upholstered cloth liners and a hinged lid.
Pocket, Inside
Price 4 gp; Weight —
This is an extra pocket sewn on the inside of a piece of clothing. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal an item in an inside pocket. Detecting the compartment requires a successful DC 15 Perception check at minimum (DC 20 if empty), even if you aren’t trained in Sleight of Hand.
The inside pocket is 1 inch deep. Different styles open from the top or from the side, and some have button flaps to secure the contents.
Pouch, Belt
A belt pouch is crafted of soft cloth or leather. They typically hold up to 10 lb. or 1/5 cubic ft. of items.
Empty Weight: 1/2 lb.1Capacity: 1/5 cubic ft./10 lb.1
1 When made for Medium characters. Weighs one-quarter the normal amount when made for Small characters. Weighs twice the normal amount when made for Large characters. Containers carry one-quarter the normal amount when made for Small characters.
Pouch, Spell Component
A spellcaster with a spell component pouch is assumed to have all the material components and focuses needed for spellcasting, except for those components that have a specific cost, divine focuses, and focuses that wouldn’t fit in a pouch.
Empty Weight: 1/4 lb.1Capacity: 1/8 cubic ft./2 lb.1
1 When made for Medium characters. Weighs one-quarter the normal amount when made for Small characters. Weighs twice the normal amount when made for Large characters. Containers carry one-quarter the normal amount when made for Small characters.
Pouch, Waist
Price 5 SP; Weight 1/2 lb.
This leather pack is supported by two straps that can be loosened or tightened to fit most body types. It can be adjusted to any facing along its wearer’s waist. The pack can store up to 1/2 cubic foot of material.
Pouch, War Spirit
This tiny bundle of sacred herbs and bones supposedly attracts the attention of helpful battle-spirits. By crushing the pouch as a standard action, an orc (or a creature from a suitably warlike culture) gains 1d4+1 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points go away after 10 minutes. A creature can only benefit from 1 spirit pouch at a time. Once used, the spirit pouch is destroyed.
A sack is a cloth bag that weighs 1/2 lb. empty and holds 1 cubic ft. or 60 lbs. of contents full.
Empty Weight: 1/2 lb.1Capacity: 1 cubic ft./60 lb.1
1 When made for Medium characters. Weighs one-quarter the normal amount when made for Small characters. Weighs twice the normal amount when made for Large characters. Containers carry one-quarter the normal amount when made for Small characters.
Satchel, Familiar
This armored case provides total cover to any Tiny or smaller creature contained within it. It includes air holes (which can be plugged with cork stoppers if you need to go underwater) and two receptacles for food and water.
A common barrel is constructed of wood with metal ring reinforcements and holds 10 cubic ft. or 650 lb. of materials. A barrel filled with liquid holds about 75 gallons.
Empty Weight: 30 lb.; Capacity: 10 cubic ft./650 lb.
The common wooden chest comes in several sizes, including small (2 cubic feet, 1 hit point, break DC 17), medium (4 cubic feet, 15 hp, break DC 23), large (6 cubic feet, 30 hit points, break DC 29), and huge (8 cubic feet, 50 hit points, break DC 35). Most include a simple inset lock.
- Small: Empty Weight: 25 lb.; Capacity: 2 cubic ft./200 lb.
- Medium: Empty Weight: 50 lb.; Capacity: 4 cubic ft./? lb.
- Large: Empty Weight: 75 lb.; Capacity: 6 cubic ft./? lb.
- Huge: Empty Weight: 100 lb.; Capacity: 8 cubic ft./? lb.
Treasure Chest
A treasure chest begins as a common wooden chest, and is then treated with resin to make the wood water-resistant. Metal bands, usually bronze to prevent rusting, are strapped around the treasure chest for extra reinforcement, and the lock is also made of bronze. A treasure chest uses the same statistics as an ordinary wooden chest of its same size, but its hit points increase by 25% and its break DC increases by 2. Treasure chests stand up better to water travel and to being buried compared to ordinary chests.
Chest, False-bottomed
The secret compartment in this chest is approximately 1 inch thick. Different styles open from the inside, from the underside, or through the back. Detecting the compartment is a DC 20 Perception check.
A common basket is constructed of wicker and holds 2 cubic ft. or 20 lbs. of materials.
Empty Weight: 1 lb.; Capacity: 2 cubic ft./20 lb.
Bottle, Glass
A glass bottle holds 1/2 pint and weighs 1.5 lb. when full.
Empty Weight: -; Capacity: 1/2 pint / 1/5 lb.
A simple bucket holds 1 cubic ft. or up to 65 lb. of liquid or material and when full. A bucket filled with liquid holds about 7 gallons.
Empty Weight: 2 lb.; Capacity: 1 cubic ft./65 lb.
Cup, False-Bottomed
The tiny compartment in the thick bottom of this cup is an excellent place to store a small item or substance. The most insidious are designed with a weighted catch that opens when the cup is tilted back, releasing the hidden substance hidden into the contents of the cup. Spotting the secret compartment in an empty cup is a DC 15 Perception check.
A flask holds 1 pint of liquid and weighs 1 lb. when full.
Empty Weight: – (1 lb. full); Capacity: 1 pint/1 lb.
Goblet, Poisoner’s
Source PPC:P&P
Price 100 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This is an elegantly styled, gem-encrusted drinking chalice made of smooth jade, obsidian, or a burnished fine metal.
The chalice has a hidden compartment in the stem that allows for the insertion of a single vial of poison. The user doesn’t risk poisoning himself when inserting the vial. Inside the compartment is a needle that siphons the poison from the vial and injects it into the bowl of the goblet. A hidden button (DC 20 Perception to locate) on the side of the stem begins the transfer of poison into the bowl. The transfer process takes 1 minute to complete, after which the hidden poison is emptied into the goblet.
Jug, Clay
This basic jug is fitted with a stopper and holds 1 gallon of liquid. Usb to ieee 1284 driver windows 7.
Empty Weight: 1 lb.; Capacity: 1 gallon/8 lb.
Mug/Tankard, Clay
A clay mug or tankard.
Empty Weight: -; Capacity: 1 pint/1 lb.
Pitcher, Clay

A clay pitcher.
Empty Weight: 1 lb.; Capacity: 1/2 gallon/4 lb.
Pot, Cooking
Cooking pots come in a variety of materials, but the most common is formed of iron.
A mithral cooking pot weighs 2 lbs. and costs 2,001 gp.
Empty Weight: 2 lb.; Capacity: 1 gallon/8 lb.
Rockshard Canister
Price 50 gp; Weight 25 lbs.
Two separate compartments make up this black glass canister the size of a helmet. The large lower compartment contains hundreds of jagged shards of obsidian. The upper airtight chamber contains a sticky resin that hardens immediately upon contact with air. When you strike the canister with a bludgeoning melee weapon as a standard action, both compartments shatter, causing the obsidian shards to adhere to the weapon.
The weapon deals piercing damage rather than bludgeoning damage for 10 minutes, at which point the resin dries and the shards fall off, or until you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, which causes the shards to break off prematurely. If the weapon is made of a special material, the special properties of its material are suppressed while the obsidian shards adhere to the weapon.
If you use a rockshard canister to coat an unarmed strike or natural weapon, you take 2d6 points of piercing damage when shattering the canister to apply the shards. For unarmed attacks, this can be avoided by carefully applying thick leather or rope straps to your hands and feet, which requires 5 minutes of work, prior to smashing the canister.
A vial is made out of glass or steel and holds 1 ounce of liquid.
Empty Weight: -; Capacity: 1 ounce/-
Vial, Iron
This metal potion bottle has hardness 5, 3 hit points, and break DC 14.
Potion Sponge
This egg-sized sponge is covered in a layer of waterproof edible wax, designed to absorb 1 dose of a potion. Chewing a potion sponge and swallowing its liquid contents is a full-round action. A creature of at least Large size can swallow the sponge in its entirely; other creatures must spit out the sponge once it’s depleted (a free action). Unlike a potion that is drunk from a vial, a potion sponge can be used underwater. A potion can be poured from a vial into a sponge potion (or squeezed from a sponge into a vial) as a full-round action. The potion sponge is immune to attacks that specifically target crystal, glass, ceramic, or porcelain, such as shatter. It otherwise works like a potion vial.
A water or wineskin holds 1/2 gallon of liquid and weighs 4 lb when full.
Empty Weight: -; Capacity: 1/2 gallon/4 lb.1
1 When made for Medium characters. Weighs one-quarter the normal amount when made for Small characters. Weighs twice the normal amount when made for Large characters. Containers carry one-quarter the normal amount when made for Small characters.
Magic Containers
Magic containers come in almost as many varieties as there are alchemists, and so are of inestimable value to alchemists with specific needs. Some of the most well-known magic containers are described here.
Because of a varied nature of alchemical items and their effects, not all combinations of alchemical items and magic bottles are viable or even make sense, even though they technically might be allowed by the rules. The GM should have the final say on whether or not a particular alchemical item can function within one of the magical containers listed in this section.
Magic Containers | |||
Item | Price | Weight | Source |
Focusing Flask | 700 gp | 1 lb. | PPC:AM |
Retort of Control | 13,000 gp | — | PPC:AM |
Vial of Efficacious Medicine | 7,000 gp | — | PPC:AM |
Winged Bottle | 1,620 gp | 1 lb. | PPC:AM |

What Is Ac Tool
Focusing Flask
Price 700 gp; Slot none; CL 7th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate transmutation
This round, rainbow-hued glass flask allows up to three alchemical splash weapons of the same type to be poured into it, concentrating them such that they never increase its weight noticeably. If multiple types of alchemical items are poured in, all the contents are ruined. The flask can be thrown as a normal splash weapon, and when it breaks, it releases all of the contained splash weapons in the same space, and the focusing flask is destroyed. If the items held within the flask normally allow a saving throw to reduce or negate the effects, the target of a focusing flask needs to succeed at only a single saving throw, regardless of the number of items held within the focusing flask. The DC of the saving throw increases by 2 if the flask contains two alchemical items, or by 4 if it contains three items.
FeatsCraft Wondrous Item; Spellsshrink item; Cost 350 gp
Retort of Control
Ffxi Ac Tool Spell Bottle In Spanish
Price 13,000 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight —; Aura moderate transmutation
This crystal retort was meticulously crafted from the hides of a dozen shattered crysmals. When light is shone through the retort, the concoction within glows like a golden torch.
A retort of control can be used to perform spontaneous alchemy with speed and precision. Distillation and sublimation can be carried out in merely 10 minutes when using this tool. In addition, if the user speaks a command word while using spontaneous alchemy to create an alchemical item with the retort as an additional crafting tool, she can designate one creature type or creature subtype. The created alchemical item does not affect creatures of the designated creature type or subtype—alchemical weapons do not harm such creatures on a direct hit or with splash damage, alchemical remedies do not work on such creatures, and so on.
FeatsCraft Wondrous Item; Spellshaste, mark of justice; Cost 7,500 gp
Vial of Efficacious Medicine
Price 7,000 gp; Slot none; CL 5th; Weight —; Aura faint conjuration
This bulbous bottle is crafted of smoked glass and causes any liquid contained within to take on a significantly darker cast and twinkle with motes of beautiful white light.
A vial of efficacious medicine can hold a single dose of an alchemical remedy, such as antitoxin or antiplague. Loading a remedy into the vial is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. When an alchemical remedy is imbibed or applied from the vial, any alchemical bonus it grants on saving throws or checks or to AC or CMD increases by 2. Treat this increase as an enhancement bonus. In addition, the user is healed of 1d8+5 points of damage. A vial of efficacious medicine can be used up to three times per day.
FeatsCraft Wondrous Item; Spellscure light wounds, polypurpose panacea; Cost 4,500 gp
Winged Bottle
Price 1,620 gp; Slot none; CL 3rd; Weight 1 lb.; Aura moderate evocation
This sky-blue glass bottle sports a sculpture of a silver eagle wrapped around the top of the glass.
A winged bottle can be filled with the contents of an alchemical splash weapon as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Three times per day, on command, the bottle sprouts crystalline wings and takes flight. The owner can move the winged bottle to any space within 130 feet as a move action; if given no direction, the bottle floats in place. While flying, the bottle is able to drop its contents as a splash weapon with an attack bonus equal to 3 + the owner’s Dexterity modifier. The owner must have line of sight to the bottle in order to direct it. Three rounds after being activated, a winged bottle loses the power of flight and drifts safely to ground.
FeatsCraft Wondrous Item; Spellsspiritual weapon; Cost 810 gp
Genies frequently occur as characters or plot elements in fictional works. They are often divided into different categories, of which the most prominent are marid, genie or jinn, and ifrit.
- 1Genie
- Legends of the Fire Spirits: Jinn and Genies from Arabia to Zanzibar is a book by Robert Lebling with foreword by author Tahir Shah and has been called 'the most complete compendium of research on the jinn to date.'[1]
- Tahir Shah's 2008 book In Arabian Nights is a collection of traditional Eastern stories of wisdom, interspersed with encounters with jinn.
- Tahir Shah's 2006 book The Caliph's House describes in detail the highs and lows of his family's relocation from London to a Jinn-filled mansion called Dar Khalifa in the middle of a Casablanca shantytown.
- Jinnicky the Red Jinn is one of Ruth Plumly Thompson's original Oz characters. His most notable appearances are in Jack Pumpkinhead of Oz, The Purple Prince of Oz and The Silver Princess in Oz.
- Christopher Moore’s book Practical Demonkeeping describes the pre-human origin of the jinn and God's favor toward humans.
- The 'Djinn in Charge of All Deserts' gives the lazy camel his hump in the story 'How the Camel Got His Hump' from Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories.[2]
- Several references to jinn occur in the final short story, 'Ramadan', in Neil Gaiman’s sixth The Sandman collection, Fables and Reflections. In Gaiman's novel American Gods, an ‘ifrīt drives a taxicab in New York, and has a homosexual encounter with a passenger, with whom he then switches identities.
- In Summoned by Rainy Kaye, Dimitri is a modern-day genie who must fulfill wishes even though he has no supernatural powers.
- In the Bartimaeus Sequence books by Jonathan Stroud, a djinni is one of five major spirits, the others being afrits (a form of ‘ifrīt), marids, foliots, and imps.
- Jinn appear frequently in Rachel Caine's Weather Warden series. The Wardens who control fire, weather and earth capture the jinn in bottles, and use them to channel their powers.
- Dragon Rider, a novel by Cornelia Funke, features a jinni named Asif who is huge, omnipotent, and has a thousand eyes.
- In the book series Children of the Lamp, the protagonists discover that they are members of a jinn 'tribe' named Marid. In the series, jinn are said to be made of fire and have special powers that allow them to do anything they please according to 'The Baghdad Rules.' In The Blue Djinn of Babylon, the second book of the series, Edwiges, a jinni dedicated to breaking casinos, makes note of the rule that no jinni shall be allowed to make money for him- or herself. Jinn can only use their powers when it is warm.
- In Jinn by Matthew B. J. Delaney, Jinns are the Villains.
- There are several passing references to jinn in Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses.
- 'The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye' is a short story by British writer A. S. Byatt, published in an anthology of the same name.
- In the Doctor Who novel The Stone Rose, the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler encounter an artificial life form called a GENIE – Genetically Engineered Neural Imagination Engine – which the Doctor reveals is the inspiration for the Arabian genies. The book has them as creatures created to make wishes and some of them became the mystical genies when they transported their owners back to Arabian times. These GENIEs were wiped from existence when the timeline they came from was averted to save the Earth from the destruction the GENIEs in the future were causing with their wishing, but echoes and ripples of the timeline still remained and mystics and wise men could sense them, causing the stories to persist. The Doctor and Rose encounter a prototype GENIE that survived the destruction of its timeline and is inadvertently causing great trouble. The two are able to capture the GENIE and reverse all of the wishes it granted. Remembering the story of Aladdin, Rose wishes the GENIE free and it departs for a peaceful place where it can still grant wishes, but only those it wishes to grant.
- In the novel Proven Guilty in Jim Butcher's series The Dresden Files, Lucius Glau, Madrigal Raith's lawyer, is a jann – the scion of a jinno and a mortal.
- Djinn is the title of a 1981 novel by French author Alain Robbe-Grillet.
- In Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's Rose of the Prophet trilogy, jinn are created by the gods to handle the day-to-day woes of humanity, thereby freeing the gods from having to deal with it.
- Jinn are the primary power in Tim Powers's book Declare.
- In C.S. Lewis' 1949 novel The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Mr. Beaver tells the Pevensie children that the White Witch is half jinn and half giant. Efreets are mentioned as being among her servants.
- One of the main characters in the second book of The Orphan's Tales: In the Cities of Coin and Spice is a jinni queen and one of the leaders of the jinn army.
- In A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, Mariam's mom claims to have been entered by a jinni which caused seizures.
- In Graham Joyce's Requiem, Ahmed, Tom, and Sharon are all haunted by their djinn from past experiences.
- In Syren (Septimus Heap Book 5), Merrin Meredith (aka. Septimus Heap, or Daniel Hunter) releases a jinn from a charm intended as a protection to be given to the true Septimus Heap.
- A jinn is featured in Operation Chaos by Poul Anderson.
- William Dalrymple's 1994 travelogue City of Djinns describes New Delhi as a city of metaphorical jinns.
- Graham Masterton's novel The Djinn is a modern-day story about a businessman trying to use a djinn for gain.
- Richard Wormser's novelization of the 1961 film The Thief of Bagdad is told from the point of view of Abu Hastin, the 762-year-old Jinni of Bagdad and supposedly reveals a great deal about the rules that govern the lives of jinnis (including that the story about jinns granting three wishes is false and only got around because one jinni got trapped inside a bottle and had to grant three wishes to a mortal in order to be freed).
- In the climax of Matt Ruff's alternate history novel The Mirage, it is revealed the a historical setting was created by a pre-Islamic djinn, who subsequently converts to Islam and abstains from his powers.
- In the short story 'The Last Wish' from the fantasy novel of the same name, the bard Dandilion unwittingly unleashes a malevolent air genie called a djinn.
- In the second part of The Quantum Thief science fiction trilogy by Hannu Rajaniemi, The Fractal Prince features jinns, sentient disembodied entities who resemble a genie in many aspects.
- Javaid Laghari wrote a book called Ifrit about terrorists and the jinn Ifrit teaming up to steal Pakistan's nuclear weapons.
- A jinn is one of the main characters in Uncanny Collateral, a Novella by Brian McClellan, where the jinn is trapped inside a ring but she is able to communicate with the bearer.
- In Marvel Comics, then known as Atlas Comics, Astonishing Tales #4, published in 1959 (story by Stan Lee and by artist Jack Kirby), a man steals the powers of a green genie and begins terrorizing humanity, only to be thwarted in the end. The story was later reprinted in Vault of Evil #11 (1974) and then Marvel Masterworks volumes of Astonishing Tales. In a previous comic story, an evil man finds a genie in a bottle and releases him. Switching places, the genie-turned-human orders the evil man turned into a genie, trapping him seeming for all time. The once-genie vows to lead a good life, unlike his former master trapped in the bottle. As told in a previous comic 'I Am the Genie' (Astonishing Tales #3), this is a brief retelling of that story. Months later, a wandering man comes across the bottle and opens it, but seeing nothing but an old, muddy relic discards it, without releasing the emerald genie inside. Now masterless, the green genie begins to plague humanity, first by repelling the law of gravity, transforming cats and dogs into huge monsters and bringing the Moon closer to Earth. The evil green genie then conjures up an army of giant soldiers to conquer Earth. Still wanting more, he decides to conquer all of space, by leading an invasion force of ships across the stars. In the end, it is his undoing, as once in deep space, beyond Earthly influences, his powers fade, undoing all his magic. Trapped again in the same bottle, as before, the green genie is trapped, but is not released by the stranger that found him in the first place.
- In the manga series Dragon Ball, the character Mr. Popo is a genie-like entity who serves Kami (God), and the final and most powerful villain of the series Majin Boo is clad in stylistically-Arabic garb. Majin is the Japanese word for magical being or genie. Boo can reform from smoke and clouds and utilizes transmutation sorcery to transform living beings into candy to sate his monstrous appetite. He possesses incredible power, rivaling that of the most powerful gods (save for the God of Destruction, Beerus) in the Dragon Ball universe. The series' dragons Shenlong and Porunga (which are considered Dragon Gods) also recall genies, in that their sole function is to grant the wish(es) of whoever collects all seven Dragon Balls. In fact, the Namekian Dragon Porunga is capable of granting three wishes when summoned, the common number of wishes a genie can usually grant.
- In the Image comic book series Amazing Joy Buzzards, El Campeon is a Mexican wrestler genie who can be summoned by the rock group through a magical amulet and the magic words 'Go El Campeon Go!'.
- In the Vertigo comic Fables, a jinni is released from a bottle by a malicious vizier who hopes to destroy Fabletown and murder his master, Sinbad. The jinn are considered among the most powerful creatures in existence, described as almost 97% pure magic (compared to 'your average Elder God', who are about 50% magic) and as 'wild things with no sense of good and evil'. Notably, the third wish must be for the jinn to return to its bottle, or else it will be free.
- ClanDestine, a comic book series by Alan Davis and Mark Farmer and published by Marvel Comics, is about a family of British superheroes in the Marvel Universe, children of a human and a female jinni.
- Comic fiction author Tom Holt titled one of his novels Djinn Rummy, combining the word jinn with the popular card game Gin Rummy. The novel is about a number of jinn in the human world, many of whom have corporate sponsoring. Jinn appear frequently in Tom Holt's books.
- The DC Comics characters Johnny Thunder and Jakeem Thunder are masters of a jinni from the fifth dimension named Thunderbolt. Genies in the DCU are summoned by their masters by saying their name backwards. Thunderbolt's true name is Yz, which when said backwards sounds like 'Say you'. Disgraced superhero Triumph was later manipulated by an evil jinni named Lkz, which when said backwards sounds like 'So cool'. After a conflict involving both the Justice League of America and the Justice Society of America, the two genies merged, changing the Thunderbolt's summoning word to 'So cool'. The fifth dimension is also home to Superman's enemy, Mister Mxyzptlk. In the pages of JSA it was revealed that imps, such as Mxyzptlk and Bat-Mite, are seen as something akin to children. Thunderbolt's son, Shocko and Shocko's wife, Peachy Pet, are also jinn.
- Another jinn appears in the DC comics, as a 4,000-year-old teenage girl named Djinn, as a member of Damian Wayne's new Teen Titans team.[3]
- In the manga series Magic Knight Rayearth, the princesses from Chizeta, Tarta and Tatra have two jinn guardians.
- In the comic book Re:Gex, there is a character named Genie.
- In the manga series Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, the djinn are the rulers of dungeons and sleep deep inside their dungeon until a Dungeon Capturer reaches where they are. Once this happens they possess an object of the Dungeon Capturer, creating a Metal Vessel.
- In the Marvel Comics series Sleepwalker the Jyn'ai (jynai, jinni, genie) are a race of genie-like creatures that frequently manifest upon the material plane. They deal with specific humans, using their powers to grant wishes. They have reality warping powers, can manipulate matter and energy and can use some psionic powers like telepathy, clairvoyance and a kind of psychic erosion. Their human form was giant-like (7 ft). They have enhanced human agility, strength (1 ton range) and vast endurance. They can live for millennia. Although the jyn'ai are creatures from the astral plane, they can assume human shape when they are on the material plane. The first appearance of the jyn'ai was in Sleepwalker Holiday Special #1 (January 1993) with a Sleepwalker's foe called Mister Jyn (Jinn is the Arabic word for genie).
Film and television[edit]
- In the 1940 film The Thief of Bagdad, Abu the thief frees a genie from a bottle. The genie promptly tries to kill him, but after Abu tricks the genie back into the bottle, the genie gives him three wishes. Abu asks first for sausages, second to be taken to king Ahmad, and third, in a fit of anger during an argument, for Ahmad to go to Baghdad, after which the genie abandons Abu. Abu destroys the All-Seeing Eye, freeing good spirits who help him defeat the evil Grand Vizier Jaffar.[4]
- In the 1945 film A Thousand and One Nights, Evelyn Keyes plays a voluptuous redheaded genie named Babs, who is the Slave of the Lamp of Nador. She falls head-over-heels for her new master, Aladdin, and reluctantly helps him win the heart of a busty blonde princess.
- A-Lad-In His Lamp (1948) Warner Bros. Looney Tunes cartoon Bugs Bunny. Bugs uncovers a magic lantern, which contains an exuberant but uncooperative genie. After being transported to fabulous Baghdad, Bugs is pursued by Caliph Hassan Pfeffer, who tries to take the lamp away from him. Hilarity ensues. [5]
- The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958) features Baronni, a child genie, who is freed and becomes both a mortal and Sinbad's cabin boy.
- Genies have appeared in a couple of The Twilight Zone episodes, most notability in 'The Man in the Bottle' and 'I Dream of Genie'.
- The 1964 comedy The Brass Bottle features a genie (Burl Ives) who causes more problems than he solves for his master (Tony Randall) and his fiancée (Barbara Eden, who herself would enter the bottle the next year in I Dream of Jeannie).
- The sitcom I Dream of Jeannie, which began in 1965 and ran for five seasons, featured Barbara Eden as a 2,000-year-old blonde Persian genie completely infatuated with the American astronaut who had found her bottle and set her free in modern America. It was spun off into the animated series Jeannie in 1973.
- In the 1967 Hanna-Barbera cartoon Shazzan the title character is a genie serving two modern American teenagers in the ancient Middle East. He appears whenever the two halves of a magic ring are put together.
- The 1987 film The Outing featured an evil jinni who is unleashed in a museum and hunts down the teens who let it out.
- The horror film Wishmaster features an evil djinn as its villain, the Djinn attempting to trick people into making wishes so that it can gain power in the real world to unleash the forces of the Djinn upon the world and from the void where they have been trapped at the moment God created the world. Although the Djinn can grant wishes to others, these wishes involve the wish-maker sacrificing their souls for what they asked- and the Djinn can even twist their words and taunts around into actual wishes to be used against them if it is phrased properly-, and only the person who released it from the gem can ask for and receive the necessary wishes to release the Jinn's full power without losing their soul (The Djinn even granted its 'master' a test wish that would not count towards the original three which resulted in it being ordered to shoot itself in the head, albeit to prove that it couldn't die). The Jinn was defeated in the first film when the Jinn's master used her third wish to undo the chain of events that led to the Jinn escaping in the first place. The film has spawned three sequels, the first sequel featuring the Djinn being once again defeated by a wish that negated the circumstances of its escape, while the other two featured its victims wishing for the aid of an angel to kill the Djinn.
- In the animated series Martin Mystery, episodes called 'Curse of the Djini' and 'Return of the Djini' featured an evil jinni trapped in a skull who could read peoples' mind’s and make them state their wishes. If the jinni died, the wishes would be undone.
- In the episode 'The Wish' of the UPN horror/comedy series Special Unit 2, Special Unit 2 encountered an evil genie-like link who needed to grant 3,000 wishes in order to gain free will. Unlike traditional jinn, this genie did not have supernatural powers other than the ability to transform between gas and solid states. As a result, the genie had to carry out wishes physically; for example, if someone wished for a million dollars the genie had to break into a bank and steal a million dollars for them, or if someone wished for a relationship with a beautiful model the genie would have to kidnap the model. These wishes almost always ended in disaster for the genie's masters. After 3,000 wishes had been granted the genie would no longer have to live in bottles or grant wishes.
- Two episodes of the TV series Charmed featured different types of genie; the first episode, 'Be Careful What You Witch For', featured a genie whose wishes unintentionally caused disaster for the sisters despite his efforts to help, while the second episode, 'I Dream of Phoebe' featured them facing a demon who had been trapped in a bottle and turned into a genie as a punishment, the genie nearly escaping when she tricks one of the sisters into wishing her free at the cost of her taking the genie's place, but they eventually manage to trap her back in the bottle by possessing the demon and making her wish them free.
- An episode of Supernatural, 'What Is And What Should Never Be', featured protagonist Dean hunting a Djinn who did not actually grant wishes; the Djinn instead caused the victim to enter a dream in which their greatest wish was granted, allowing the Djinn to drain and feed on their blood-in Dean's case, that his mother had never been killed-although Dean was able to escape the dream when he confronted the Djinn after realizing the consequences of his wish (believing that he was still in a real world where those he and his family had saved as hunters died without them there to save them). A 'bastard offshoot' of Djinn induce a similar type of dream, but instead of a person's wishes, it shows them their greatest fears, scaring them to death while allowing the Djinn to feed off the fear.
- Some episodes of the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer featured vengeance demons, a race of demons who granted wishes for humans seeking revenge for various wrongs; like malevolent genies, these wishes commonly featured the exact wording of the wish being obeyed while not giving the wishmaker what they fundamentally wanted. For instance, Cordelia Chase's wish that Buffy Summers never came to Sunnydale-believing that she would thus escape the loss of social status that she had suffered due to her association with Buffy-created a world where vampires were in control without the Slayer to aid the humans, and Dawn Summers's wish that nobody would leave her resulted in the guests at Buffy's 21st birthday party being unable to leave her house.
- In a season 7 episode of The X-Files titled 'Je Souhaite', a man awakens a genie who grants him three wishes, but always uses loopholes, resulting in often disastrous outcomes for the person.
- Desiree from the animated series Danny Phantom is a genie-like ghost who grants any wishes she hears, gaining power by doing so. Her wishes, though, can carry disastrous consequences, like when Sam Manson wished she never met Danny Fenton, it resulted in him remaining fully human. In her former life, she was the favorite harem girl of the sultan, who fell in love with her and gave her a kingdom of her own. His jealous wife, though, banished her and she died of old age and a broken heart.
- In the film Long Time Dead, the characters use a ouija board, which brings out a vengeful spirit named Djinn.
- In The Fairly OddParents, there is a genie named Norm (voiced by Norm Macdonald), who, like traditional malevolent genies, grants the wish precisely without giving the wisher exactly what he wanted. Although the series' main character Timmy Turner initially attempted to use Norm for three rule-free wishes in his first appearance-his fairies being restricted to rules such as not being able to make anyone fall in love or help the wisher win contests-he subsequently realized his mistake and, having gained three more wishes by trapping Norm in a vacuum, subsequently wished for a lawyer to help him draw up another wish to ensure that there would be no way for Norm to 'cheat' his way out of the wish. Norm has appeared as a recurring adversary in subsequent stories. One occasion saw him teaming up with Timmy's teacher/enemy Denzel Crocker-Norm revealing that Crocker could actually wish for more wishes to help him against Timmy, claiming that genies have been 'bluffing for centuries' about only being able to grant three wishes and no more-but Crocker's incompetence, as he makes various inappropriate and useless wishes, drove Norm to give the lamp back to Timmy just to get away from him. On another occasion, Norm manipulated events so that Timmy would drive Cosmo and Wanda away so that he could become a fairy godparent himself and no longer be bound to his bottle, but his ignorance of 'magical backup'-where a godparent has to grant wishes or explode-prompted him to undo his actions and allow Cosmo and Wanda to return to Timmy.
- In the Wizards of Waverly Place episode 'Justin's Little Sister' on Disney Channel, genies are depicted as con-artists that will twist your wish to their liking if it wasn't phrased appropriately, as Alex calls upon a genie for wishes, which the genie twists.
- In DuckTales, Scrooge and Flintheart Glomgold gain a lamp containing a genie when they fall into a cave system and they compete to determine which of them will be the genie's master as they both rubbed it simultaneously. Having won the race, Flintheart's first wish is that the genie leave Scrooge on a desert island, but when he remarks that he wants to see the look on Scrooge's face, which the genie takes as his second wish, sending him to the island with Scrooge. On the island, Flintheart comments, 'I wish we'd never found this blasted lamp!', causing the genie to reset history so that the lamp fell into the rubble when Scrooge and Flintheart fell into the cavern and both of them thus missed it.
- An episode of Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers featured the main character Montery Jack finding a lamp with a genie, only to turn into the genie himself when he uses a wish to free the genie, resulting in him being used by the Rangers' enemy Fat Cat to destroy his friends. Fortunately, Fat Cat is forced to pass the lamp on to his henchmen after he exhausts his own three wishes, allowing Monterey to trick the henchmen into making wishes that will actually benefit his friends until Chip and Dale can get their hands on the lamp. The chipmunks subsequently wish that the previous events never happened, undoing the events that led to Montery finding the lamp.
- Bernard and the Genie is a 1991 BBC comedy about a hapless art dealer who discovers himself to be in possession of a real life genie imprisoned in a lamp.
- In the 1992 Disney film Aladdin, the title hero becomes the master of a benevolent and comical genie, voiced by Robin Williams, after rubbing the side of a magical lamp. Genie offers Aladdin three wishes on anything he wished, with explicitly only three limitations: Genie could not kill anyone, make anyone fall in love, or bring people back from the dead (although his words implied that he could bring people back from the dead, but it is so horrifying that he will not do it) - and also underscoring that he grants only 'three wishes', so one cannot 'wish for more wishes'. He is also required to obey the specific wishes of whoever holds the lamp, thus forcing him to work for Aladdin's enemy Jafar when Jafar steals the lamp, although he was also able to assist Aladdin without Aladdin explicitly making a wish, even if he appeared to disapprove of the concept. In the spin-off TV series, Genie was freed from his lamp, now able to come and go from the lamp as he wished, which apparently resulted in his powers being 'downgraded' so that he had less power than demonstrated in the film (now describing himself as possessing 'semi-phenomenal nearly-cosmic power' as opposed to his previous description of himself as possessing 'phenomenal cosmic power'). The TV series spin-off features an additional genie named Eden, originally a Genie of the Bottle, who becomes the girlfriend of Aladdin's Genie, although her master's third wish that they could always be together puts Genie's relationship with Eden on hold until her master dies. Will Smith plays the Genie in the 2019 live action adaptation of the animated film, by Walt Disney Pictures.
- In the 1996 film Kazaam, Shaquille O'Neal played a rapping genie who lived in a boombox.
- In the Timon & Pumbaa TV series, two episodes saw the characters deal with wishes. 'Wishy Washy' sees the two characters find a lamp and wish for a million wishes, only to wish they never found the lamp after their impulsive wishes prove too troublesome, such as Pumbaa being sent to the Arctic. 'Be More Pacific' sees Pumbaa get three wishes from a wishing whale, but after his first two wishes fail-the wish for something big and expensive just gives them the Statue of Liberty, and the wish for Timon to be a king makes him the size of King Kong-his third wish sees him misremember a key detail, resulting in them being pursued through a castle by a giant fire-breathing chicken that they cannot defeat (Timon having requested a 'fire-breathing monster with claws and wings' that he can defeat).
- In Pee Wee's Playhouse, Jambi was a blue-faced genie who lived in a jeweled box. He usually appeared once per show to grant Pee Wee a wish. His catchphrases included 'Wish? Did somebody say 'Wish'?', the magic words 'Mecca lecca hi, mecca hiney ho' and 'The wish is granted. Long live Jambi.'
- In the paranormal reality-style documentary Destination Truth, Josh Gates travels to the ancient ruins of Petra in Jordan to capture evidence of the Arabian jinn. The evidence is analyzed later on within the episode by Jason and Grant of the popular Paranormal television series Ghost Hunters to either prove or disprove what the crew captured.
- The 2000 Hallmark two-part miniseries Arabian Nights depicts two different kinds of Jinns, in the form of a melodramatic Genie of the Lamp and a nervous Genie of the Ring, both played by John Leguizamo.
- The 1992 Japanese Tokusatsu TV series Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger featured a genie called jin that appeared in episode 11 who was said to be the genie originally possessed by Aladdin from the legends he was a powerful sorcerer and was temporarily turned into a villain called dora Djinn his American counterpart was called genie from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, he was featured in the episode Switching Places the difference between him and his Japanese counterpart is that his Japanese counterpart was first good then turned bad for a brief time while the genie was first evil all through the episode.
- The 2005 Japanese tokusatsu TV series Mahou Sentai Magiranger introduced a feline genie character named Smoky the Magical Cat. He resided in a lamp, which also acted as a gun to assist his master (Hikaru/MagiShine) in battle. His American counterpart is Jenji in Power Rangers Mystic Force, who cannot leave his lamp for longer than a few hours without collapsing, although he naturally possesses enough power to rewrite the entire world if the proper wish is made.
- The 2009 horror film Red Sands depicts a platoon of US soldiers stationed in a remote area of Afghanistan who accidentally wake an imprisoned jinni.
- The 2010 remake of Clash of the Titans includes Djinn as a race of desert sorcerers who have replaced their flesh with magic and ash.
- The 2013 Emirati horror film Djinn, directed by Tobe Hooper, features a young Emirati couple menaced by a malevolent Djinn in their high-rise apartment located in Ras al-Khaimah.
- The 2014 film Jinn features a Muslim-American man tormented by a Djinn due to an ancestral curse.
- On ABC's hit television show Once Upon a Time there is a genie featured in the episode 'Fruit of the Poisonous Tree'. He is known as the Genie of Agrabah, a reference to the Disney film Aladdin. He falls in love with Queen Regina, played by Lana Parrilla, and eventually becomes the Magic Mirror when he is given the ability to use his last master's third wish and wishes to be with Regina. He is responsible for the death of Snow White's father, King Leopold, and his cursed Storybrooke state is known as Sidney Glass, acting as the town's reporter before he is locked up for rebellion. He is played by Giancarlo Esposito. The Genie's magic lamp is seen in Mr. Gold's shop in multiple episodes.
- In Nick Jr.'s 2015 animated children's television series, Shimmer and Shine, the show's titular protagonists are two fraternal twin genie sisters who serve a young girl named Leah as her secret genies who can grant Leah three wishes per day. However, since Shimmer and Shine are young genies they often misconstrue Leah's wishes. Shimmer and Shine often have to work together with Leah to fix their mistakes and help Leah solve both Leah's problems along with the mistakes they created. Shimmer and Shine live in the land of Zahramay Falls located inside the magic bottle pendant on the necklace Leah wears.
- The 2016 horror film Under the Shadow features an evil djinn who terrorizes a mother and her young daughter.
- In the sixth season of Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, a djinn - known as Nadakhan - serves as the main antagonist.
- In 2017, Mousa Kraish appears as the Jinn in the Starz television adaption of Neil Gaiman's novel American Gods. The Jinn is working as a taxicab driver in New York when he meets and has a sexual encounter with Omani businessman Salim.
- The John Hughes 1985 film and subsequent 1994 television show spin-off, Weird Science features a woman named Lisa created by the protagonists Gary and Wyatt who demonstrates magical powers and wish fulfillment abilities. Lisa describes herself as being a Genie in the television show.
- Netflix's Jinn (2019) follows a group of Jordanian youth encountering the supernatural.[6]
- Christina Aguilera's song 'Genie in a Bottle' is the first hit single and the signature song from her debut album, Christina Aguilera.
- Jeannie Ortega's song 'Crowded' in which guest Papoose raps 'Since your name is Jeannie, can I make a wish?'.
- Radiohead's 'The Gloaming' includes the lyrics 'Genie let out of the bottle'.
- Death metal band Nile's song 'The Howling of the Jinn' references to the Jinn as a malevolent and spiritual force.
- South Korean girl groupGirls' Generation released a hit song 'Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)' and a mini-album of the same title, Tell Me Your Wish (Genie), in June 2009, sweeping record charts in South Korea.
- In the 1992 album 'Amused to death' by Roger Waters, there is a song entitled 'three wishes'. In the lyrics, Waters gets his three wishes granted, but around the middle of the song realizes he would like to have a fourth wish, this way expressing man's endless appetite for more, even when one's intention is good.
- Gilbert and Sullivan's operetta The Sorcerer, the sorcerer's song, '..look in / On our resident Djinn..'[2]
- Black metal band Melechesh is heavily influenced by Middle Eastern mythology, with songtitles such as 'Wardjinn', 'A Summoning of Ifrit and Genii', 'Genies, Sorcerers and Mesopotamian Nights' on the album Djinn.
Video games[edit]
- The Game Geniecheat cartridge series was so named for its ability to change aspects of games at will.
- In the videogames Golden Sun, Golden Sun: The Lost Age and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, players encounter djinn, small benevolent creatures who use their powers to aid the protagonists in battle. There are 18 djinn for each element. Some are hostile and must be beaten in combat to earn them.
- The Heroes of Might and Magic strategy game series features genies as playable characters and units. A genie named Solmyr is a major protagonist in the series.
- In the 1980s video game Archon, the jinni is the champion of the light side, opposite the dragon, who is champion of the dark side.
- In the video game Primal, the world of Volca is inhabited by evil creatures called jinn, led by King Iblees and Queen Malikel. These jinn live dormant in a volcano, awakening only when the volcano is about to erupt.
- In the video game Sonic and the Secret Rings, there are two jinnis: Shahra the Ring Genie, a Genie of the Ring, who assists Sonic through the game, and Erazor Djinn, the game's main villain, who is a Genie of the Lamp.
- In the video game series Final Fantasy, one of the summoned creatures is named Ifrit and offers fire elemental magic. In Final Fantasy III, the player must defeat a jinni who has turned an entire town into ghosts. In Final Fantasy XI, djinn are bomb type enemies that explode when attacked with magic corresponding to in-game day of the week.
- In the Mana series, Jinn is one of the eight Mana spirits, representing the element of wind.
- The PokémonJirachi is said to grant any wish that is written on a tag and attached to the three star points on its head. The Pokémon Hoopa, in its Unbound form, is also known as the Djinn Pokémon and can 'grant wishes' with its rings in Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages.
- Genies are a major plot element in King's Quest VI as part of the Green Isles folklore.
- Iblees, while not the main villain of the story, is featured as an entity summoned by the game's antagonist in the second of the Quest for Glory games. The protagonist also has the opportunity near the game's end to summon a lesser jinni, who grants him three wishes.
- In the Game Boy game Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, the game's main villain uses a genie to attempt to defeat Wario during the final boss battle.
- In The Sims series, Genies are recurrent characters, in The Sims: Livin' Large the Genie is an NPC that can be summoned with a magic lamp and grant 2 options for a wish, in The Sims 2: FreeTime, your Sims can be given a Genie lamp by a gypsy. The genie will grant three wishes per Sim, In The Sims 3: Showtime The Genie is also a life State and can be obtained by releasing them from a magical lamp or with magic potions in The Sims 3: Supernatural.
- In Dark Cloud the fourth playable character is a genie, Ruby.
- In the Game Boy Advance game Mega Man: Battle Network 3 White Version, one of the Navis you must fight is MistMan.EXE, whose appearance is that of a genie. His weak spot is his lamp, and he is shown to have the power to summon souls and even release poisonous mist.
- In the Super Nintendo game Super Mario RPG, an evil genie named Fautso serves as a minion of Box Boy.
- In the expansion Hordes of the Underdark for Neverwinter Nights, the player can encounter a jinni who acts as a portable merchant.
- In the PC Online MMORPG Tibia, two distinct factions of Djinn exist; the Blue Marid and the Green Efreet, who have been warring with each other for millennium. Through a quest chain player characters can join one of the two factions to gain access to trading with special Djinn NPCs in each. Completing the quest for one faction locks out the ability to join the other for that character.
- In MMORPG Guild Wars, good and bad jinn are encountered. Good jinn protect treasures and people and grant wishes. Bad jinn are enemies. These jinn are usually associated with an element or gem stone.
- In the N64 title Diddy Kong Racing, an elephant genie named Taj can change your vehicle from a car to a plane or hovercraft.
- In the N64 title Yoshi's Story, an evil genie named Cloudjin who was sent by Baby Bowser to patrol the mountains of Yoshi's Island, serves as a boss of the level Poochy and Nippy.
- In the video game Shifters, a genie is a playable form.
- In the video game Shadow of Memories, the character Homonculus is a jinni who helps the protagonist, though he seems to have an agenda of his own.
- In the N64 titles Mario Party 2 and Mario Party 3, there are items similar to a magic lamp, which calls a genie to get to a star.
- In the MMORPG RuneScape, there is a quest involving a genie. A genie is also summoned when an experience lamp is selected as a random event reward.
- In Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands, a marīd by the name of Razia helps the Prince, giving him powers and upgrades.
- The Magic Giant in Skylanders: Giants is an elven ninja named Ninjini, and she has several magical powers, including telekinesis and energy balls. She is shown to be skilled in dual swords, and can hide in her bottle, firing rockets and releasing trance-inducing mist, and can emerge from it in an explosion.
- In the online RPG Adventure Quest there is an uncommon monster called a 'djinn.'
- In the Shantae series, the titular character is a playable half-genie who must save her town from an evil pirate named Risky Boots. She is demonstrated to have powerful shapeshifting abilities, taking the forms of animals like a monkey or elephant.
- In the online flash game, 'RPG Shooter: Starwish' there are genies that live on a planet Lucerna. There are Djinn, Marid, Efreet, Jann, and an unnamed Earth genie.[7]
- In Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, after drinking the water of Iram of the Pillars, Nathan Drake starts hallucinating that all soldiers he encounters are reborn as FIre Djinn, better known as Ifrit, after being killed.
- In Champions Online the player can play transform to a Djinn through a device, using combination of fire and sword based attacks to cut down enemy NPCs.
- In Realm of the Mad God, A Djinn is a 'god' enemy in the mountainous or snowy regions of the map, also known as the 'Godlands'. It attacks by shooting white circles around it in all directions, then walking towards the nearest player, while invincible. It then repeats this cycle.
- In the popular online MMORPGAdventureQuest Worlds, the Middle Eastern-themed zone the Sandsea Desert features a Djinn Chaos Lord named Tibicenas, as well as a Djinn realm which the player can explore.
- Akinator, the Web Genius is an internet game (en.akinator.com) with a genie named Akinator as its main character. Sometimes Akinator's family (who are also genies) appear in the game.
- Calypso, who is the fictional figurehead in charge of the popular video game franchise Twisted Metal, has wish granting powers that for a majority of the time resembles that of a malevolent genie in which he grants the wish a person wishes for but twists the words around to usually resulting in death.
- In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, a side quest named 'The Last Wish' is Yennefer wants Geralt to go to hunt a Djinn in order to break the spell which bind the feelings between him and her.
- Djimmi the Great, boss of the 'Pyramid Peril' stage in the second world of Cuphead, is a red-skinned genie who assumes numerous forms over the course of the battle.
- In Brawl Stars, there is a brawler named Gene who is a purple skined genie.
- All of the Dragon Ball character Majin Boo's physical forms (Fat Buu; Super Buu; Evil Buu and Kid Buu) bears strong resemblance to a genie. Even his clothes are Arabic in nature, and his name denotes to 'Jinn' as well.
- Jinn is a character in RoosterTeeth's 'RWBY' Volume 6, who may be summoned from her divine Relic -- the Relic of Knowledge -- using this name. She was created by one of the series' gods to 'aid humanity in their pursuit of knowledge' and is an espouser of knowledge, rather than granting wishes. She can answer three questions every 100 years. She appears most prominently in, and narrates the entirety of, Volume 6 Chapter 3 'The Lost Fable'.
- In the Dungeons & Dragons series of roleplaying games, genies are powerful elemental spirits from the Inner Planes, each of the four classical elements having its own subspecies of genie: Djinn for air, Dao for earth, Efreet for fire, Marids for water, and a fifth type known as the Jann, who draw their existence from all four elements. A six type, the Qorrash, linked to the pseudo-element of cold, has been introduced.[8]
- In the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering, there are more than two dozen jinn-related cards,[9] mostly larger-than-usual creatures with a drawback, and a dozen ifrit/efreet cards.[10]
- In Malaysia, the pages containing the article 'Born of Fire' were torn out of all issues of the Economist dated December 19, 2006. The government's explanation was that 'Muslims cannot believe in the mislead concept of jinns as this goes against Islam.'[11]
- There is a card in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game called La-Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp. This card and several others aligned with it (Ancient Lamp) parallel common stereotypes regarding genies.
- Ifrit is also a new fiction thriller Ifrit [3] written by Javaid Laghari and published by Austin Macaulay that is a fast paced plot of terrorists and the jinn Ifrit teaming up to steal Pakistan's nuclear weapons, and leading to a possible nuclear war between Pakistan and India.
- There is an Ifrit in the 2001 fantasy novel American Gods by Neil Gaiman. He is able to switch bodies by having those who believe in his kind perform fellatio on him.
- Ifrit is an MVP (boss) at Thor Volcano in Ragnarok Online.
- In the Final Fantasy series of games, Ifrit has become a trademark representative of the element of fire, inspired by the Dungeons & Dragons Efreeti, and appears as a horned demonic entity in most of the artistic imagery of the game.
- In the original Devil May Cry video game, Ifrit is a fire demon which the protagonist can transform into temporarily after picking up his flaming gauntlets. The gauntlets grant the ability to use the fire element in hand-to-hand combat and a protective shield of fire during a jump to evade enemy attacks. Upon using the 'Devil Trigger' with the gauntlets on, the character Dante transforms into Ifrit and his attacks become more powerful. Additional attacks become available in this mode, such as the ability to launch a fireball at enemies. A similar ability is seen in God of War: Chains of Olympus as the first magic attack that Kratos can unlock.
- In the Bartimaeus Trilogy, an afrit is one of the five levels of demon that can be summoned by human magicians. It is considered the second most powerful out of the list, which goes in ascending order of power: imp, foliot, djinni, afrit, and marid. They are described as beings of fire and power, and are often employed by elite magicians as enforcers or bodyguards.
- In Sonic and The Secret Rings, an ‘ifrīt is brought forth by Erazor Djinn. The ‘ifrit appears as a jinn (rather than a demon) and can control fire. It is the boss of the third level.
- In the game Exile 3 by Spiderweb Games, an efreet is a powerful, magic-casting demon who is encountered in the more dangerous parts of the surface of the Exile world. The efreet are hard to kill, have a poisonous bite, and can cast the highest-level damaging spells. They appear as fiery, demonic figures and have a damaging flame aura.
- In the Weather Warden series, an ‘ifrit is the jinn equivalent of a vampire.
- In Heroes of Might and Magic, an Efreet is a demon from the Inferno faction. They are immune to fire-based magic and hate Genies (dealing extra damage to them in combat).
- In the Tales of saga, Efreet is the summon spirit of Fire.
- In the online game 'Mabinogi' created by Nexon, the Ifrit appears as a large fire elemental beast in the 'Ant Hell' beneath Filia.
- In Stephen King's novel Christine, it is speculated that the supernatural force inhabiting the Plymouth Fury is an Afreet, created when the original owner's daughter choked to death in the car.
- The fifth season of the HBO television series True Blood features an ifrit who appears to be pursuing Terry Bellefleur and his Iraq War comrades after being invoked by a dying Iraqi woman.
- In the Showcase television series 'Lost Girl', Afreet are a breed of Fae who feed off of human emotions associated with fame.
- Similar to Final Fantasy, Ifrit, named Efreet, appears as a summonable Fire spell in Wizard101, dealing high damage and drastically lowering the damage of the target's next attack.
▪ Pari: Not a Fairytale (English: Fairy) is a 2018 Indian supernatural horror film. The movie is about Ifrit.
- Marids are found in the Bartimaeus Trilogy. They are the highest in the order of beings that includes afrits, djinn, foliots and imps.
- Marids are mentioned in the P. B. Kerr's Children of the Lamp children's book series as the most powerful tribe of jinn, who preside over good luck.
- Marid is one of the elemental enemies in the video game Vagrant Story. Its appearance resembles that of a bluish humanoid with fins and webbed feet, and it wears a distinctive, cone-shaped piece of headgear.
- Marids are included in Microsoft's Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends. They are blue-colored genies who hurl spheres of elemental energy at their enemies.
- Marid is a playable elemental character in the SNES game Arcana, also known as Card Master: the Seal of Rimsala. Marid appears as a mini-boss in the game who must be defeated before she can be recruited to the player's team. She is the main healer of the group and is effective when confronting high-powered villains in the game.
- Marids appear in Final Fantasy XI as large, elephant-like beasts. They were introduced in the Treasures of Aht Urgan expansion pack, which contains themes largely based on Arabian mythology.
- Several Marids appear in Christopher Stasheff's 'Wizard in Rhyme' novels Crusading Wizard, and My Son, the Wizard.
- ^Corrales, Scott. 'The Unexplained and the Unimaginable'. UFO Digest. Retrieved 27 July 2012.
- ^http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2781/2781-0.txt
- ^Teen Titans Special #1 (2018), Teen Titans #20 (July 2018)
- ^https://archive.org/details/ThiefOfBagdad1924
- ^http://www.supercartoons.net/cartoon/859/bugs-bunny-a-lad-in-his-lamp.html
- ^https://www.netflix.com/title/80220816
- ^'RPG Shooter: Starwish'. Auriplane. Retrieved 2011-06-13.
- ^'Perilous Gateways - Portals of the Frozen Wastes: Genie, Qorrashi'. Wizards.com. Retrieved 2012-08-17.
- ^'Card Search - Search: +djinn - Gatherer - Magic: The Gathering'. Gatherer.wizards.com. Retrieved 2012-08-17.
- ^'Card Search - Search: +efreet - Gatherer - Magic: The Gathering'. Gatherer.wizards.com. Retrieved 2012-08-17.
- ^[1]Archived May 17, 2008, at the Wayback Machine