1. Lazylibrarian Windows Install Clean Up Utility Download
  2. Lazylibrarian Windows Install Clean Up
  3. Lazylibrarian Windows Install Clean Up Utility

Just like any auto downloader its setup to handle the finished downloads. LL will clean up names and include all the data you need to have a. You will be asked for the fork's git URL during install. Deluge is a full-featured BitTorrent client for Linux, OS X, Unix and Windows. Jappix is a fresh new open social platform which enables you to create your own cloud. LazyLibrarian is a program to follow authors and grab metadata for all your digital reading needs.


Every set of install instructions i have found was for linux and my brain just doesn't seem to be able to translate that properly for windows use.

359 KB

Lazylibrarian Windows Install Clean Up Utility Download


Microsoft has updated the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility. With the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility, you can remove a program's Windows Installer configuration information. You may want to remove the Windows Installer configuration information for your program if you experience installation (Setup) problems. For example, you may have to remove a program's Windows Installer configuration information if you have installation problems when you try to add (or remove) a component of your program that was not included when you first installed your program.

The Windows Installer CleanUp Utility does not:

  • Remove Windows Installer.
  • Remove files of any programs that are installed by Windows Installer, such as Microsoft Office 2003.

The Windows Installer CleanUp Utility does:

  • Provide a dialog box where you can select one or more programs that were installed by Windows Installer. You select the programs on the Installed Products list in the Windows Installer CleanUp dialog box. After you make this selection, the utility removes only the Windows Installer configuration information that is related to those programs.
  • Remove the files and registry settings that make up the Windows Installer configuration information for programs that you select.

If you use this utility to remove the Windows Installer configuration information for your program and you plan to reinstall the program, you should reinstall the program in the same folder where you originally installed it. This prevents duplication of files on your hard disk or disks.


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Lazylibrarian Windows Install Clean Up


I have a problem with the manual search in LazyLibrarian. When I click on manual under a book, it opens a new tab (with nothing in it) and LazyLibrarian crashes and restarts.

I have pasted part of the log. The last message was at 17:02:54. I waited approximately 5 minutes before clicking on manual and the next message is at 17:08:15

To help with identifying and fixing issues, please include as much information as possible, including:

LazyLibrarian version number (at the bottom of config page)

Current Version: 1c112dd

Operating system used (windows, mac, linux, NAS type)

Alpine Linux. Running in a docker.

Interface in use (default, bookstrap)


Which api (Goodreads, GoogleBooks, both)

Lazylibrarian Windows Install Clean Up Utility


Source of your LazyLibrarian installation (git, zip file, 3rd party package)

Thraxis Docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/thraxis/lazylibrarian-calibre/

Relevant debug log with api keys and any passwords redacted

08-Jan-2018 17:02:54 - DEBUG :: MAIN : LazyLibrarian.py:main:163 : Current Version [1c112dd] - Latest remote version [b0f8c37] - Install type [git]
08-Jan-2018 17:02:54 - INFO :: MAIN : LazyLibrarian.py:main:198 : Starting LazyLibrarian on port: 5299, webroot '
08-Jan-2018 17:02:54 - INFO :: MAIN : webStart.py:initialize:59 : Starting LazyLibrarian web server on
08-Jan-2018 17:02:54 - DEBUG :: MAIN : common.py:scheduleJob:292 : Start processDir job in 10 minutes
08-Jan-2018 17:02:54 - DEBUG :: MAIN : common.py:scheduleJob:305 : Start search_book job in 360 minutes
08-Jan-2018 17:02:54 - DEBUG :: MAIN : common.py:scheduleJob:299 : Start search_magazines job in 360 minutes
08-Jan-2018 17:02:54 - DEBUG :: MAIN : common.py:scheduleJob:316 : Start checkForUpdates job in 24 hours
08-Jan-2018 17:02:54 - DEBUG :: MAIN : common.py:scheduleJob:344 : Start authorUpdate job in 55 hours
08-Jan-2018 17:08:15 - DEBUG :: EDIT_BOOK : bookwork.py:getBookCover:1009 : getBookCover: Returning Cached response for /config/cache/book/97888.jpg
08-Jan-2018 17:08:21 - INFO :: MAIN : init.py:initialize:555 : Log level set to [3]- Log Directory is [/config/log] - Config level is [3]
08-Jan-2018 17:08:21 - INFO :: MAIN : init.py:initialize:557 : Screen Log set to EXTENDED DEBUG

Please note - usually a single line of log is not sufficient. The lines just before the error occurs can give useful context and greatly assist with debugging.

There is a built-in debug log creator on the logs page which makes it easy to provide this information

  • To use it, first go to the log page and make sure debug logging is OFF
  • Now press the 'Start debug log' button
  • Go and do whatever you need to recreate the error
  • Go back to the log page and press 'Save debug log'
  • You can now turn debug logging off again if you want
  • The saved log file will be found in your lazylibrarian log directory called debug.zip
  • It will contain all lines logged since you pressed 'Start debug log' with any passwords and api keys removed
  • Attach the zip file to your bug report.